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  1. It's been a while how is it going?
  2. This more like vanilla look is very much appreciated. Looks great.
  3. Tell me something new. I enjoy BioWare RPGs more than Bethesda. (I enjoy character interaction more than an open world) Though I have to admit they are bit off track atm... Morrowind was a honest mistake that I made because I never played TES before. At one point or another you have to try something out in order to know whether it suits you or not, you can't figure everything out just by watching some trailers or reading some reviews, especially if they are all more or less positive. I was fooled there, happens from time to time. Oblivion was a cheap bargain offer and with mods it was bearable. I knew what I was getting into there and aside from ~30 hours of actual gameplay I had additional fun fooling around with mods. I had worse deals than that. And Skyrim is okay. Of course I could list a book full of issues but all in all I think it is most balanced TES. I mean the character interaction is not as stiff as it was in Oblivion or confusing and boring as Morrowind. The world is more interesting as Oblivion jet not as strange as Morrowind. The overall experience is more streamlined and comprehensive then either of those two. Yea there are some drawbacks like the useless quest log which makes you rely on the compass a lot or the atrocious UI (though Morrowind and Oblivion UI were s*** too if you ask me), balance issues and what not. As I said I could fill a book with complains and ideas how to change it but I was able to look past them for the most part. Which I can not say about the other two TES I played- You could say I'm not so much an actually fan of the vanilla games however I like the possibilities Bethesda offers with their tool kits. If I want or need a vanilla game I mostly enjoy then I'm better of with BioWare.
  4. Arkune


    I hope not. Hey if people like it go ahead and knock yourselves out. However I hope that there will be a more “esthetic” body replacer. Back in Oblivion I used HGEC with I think C cup. That was spot on for me. I also hope that there will be a male body replacer like roberts. Equal rights and stuff like that. Textures are important too. I think I used Necs textures in Oblivion. Pretty impressive stuff. Anyway I since I'm not into the big ass and big tits thing (though C cup is plenty) I pass on CBBE and hope for something like HGEC.
  5. What do you mean with we? I don't remember Morrowind as the best TES. I remember Morrowind as a boring and ugly block text bomber that I couldn't be bothered to sit through. The only memory of the game that stays with me is entering a cave at the arse-end of the world for some minor quest where I could not get to the upper level to slay the “boss robber” and I used the tool kit in the end to build in some stairs because there where none! I think I never got past 10 hours of playing it. And I don't like Oblivion either. I think I used about 50 mods on my play through of Oblivion. It was hardly Oblivion anymore but that was the only way I could endure it. I was so deterred by Morrowind that I got Oblivion much later after release. I think 1 year after GOTY edition or something... and I was right to wait that long because I did not enjoy the vanilla game one bit. In the end I think I uninstalled Oblivion ticking roughly 30 hours on it completing only the main story. I very much hate the UI of Skyrim, it is complete garbage. The game has some issues and even now I had a dozen mods installed before I slew Alduin. But unlike Oblivion the mods are all cosmetic and the issues are not really deal breakers. Let's say I was able to look past them. So Skyrim is the best TES for me so far because it is the only TES I played that I don't despise. So far locked about 90 hours in the game.
  6. www.venetubo.com/fsx/FPS_Limiter_0.2.rar There you go.
  7. Oh I did not notice the „Banned“. Well...
  8. There is a Mediafire link for this mod at the Bethesda Mod Forums.
  9. Uhm what happened to this mod? I can't find it on nexus anymore and the link on page 1 is dead. It is pretty hard to get a clean white I have to say. I'm atm using #define WHITEPOINT 7637 Not perfect but it quickly changes from rather red to blue.
  10. Pretty neat stuff. Your mod could become the QTP of Skyrim. Really looking forward to it.
  11. I've just installed your mod. Very nice but how do I change the color temperature? I would like to test your 7000K setting and maybe even 7200K.
  12. YouTube says you removed the video. Screens looking nice.
  13. Nice. I hope it will be compatible with the ENB Series graphics mod for Skyrim once released.
  14. You know when you argue that graphics is not important than you should pick examples that did NOT feature great graphics. These games looked damn smoking hot back in the days so they do not support your argument I'm afraid.
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