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Lady Azura

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About Lady Azura

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    Allods online, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Vampyre Story, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, Morrowind...and so on...
  • Favourite Game
    Sleeping in my coffin,Oblivion, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, Fallout 3

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  1. Long time no see...but I'm back with some new artworks that kinda helped my engine going... So, my puffy heaven, as it was few months ago xD : http://i51.tinypic.com/2b876a.jpg Aaaaand a billboard I've done for school on one occasion (not really much of a sight but so much work and love was put into it and I just adore it) : http://i56.tinypic.com/syw4nr.jpg
  2. I just love Aaron's signatures...damn you're good!
  3. You're right, the photo with granny looks amazing this way, the writing on the mirror gives soul to this photo. And pets are just brilliant.
  4. Wasder, that's really nice, it looks brutal and again, so modern. I like it :ohmy: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  5. Have a kudo...you deserved it :thumbsup: :wink:
  6. Have a kudo Arilita! :yes: :wink: :thumbsup:
  7. Awwwwwww that rose reminds me on someone...so gentle, yet so perfect. Looks captivating! Great job! ;) :ohmy: :thumbsup:
  8. Cortiae materaan, sinae articum arnii markuulen... Thank you Dezdimona, for this lovely piece of art.I shall keep it in my mind-always... :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
  9. Katklaw...I must admit you're very talented, but I guess that you already know that. Dragon's textures are beautiful, it looks very realistic and his eyes are so deep. But, who am I to judge? It looks awesome! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  10. Here's one picture of a really low quality...I tried to fix it in photoshop.... http://www.thepictures.us/images/zdppf9g8jmbwmmwvkfh9.jpg It's a little spooky...since I look like I'm blind...haha
  11. Here are some new signatures... http://www.thepictures.us/images/t212i65rf24mozw94llp.jpg I got some requests in a last few days... I think I'm getting better...or at least I hope so...xD http://www.thepictures.us/images/57lts88mime01wzn9ro.jpg This one with zombie seems cool, but I think I should pick another font... http://www.thepictures.us/images/l5etnkbksdoftdf2utf.jpg Luckily, there are many mods with houses on my map, I found this little sparkling statue, and I just had to take a screenshot... http://www.thepictures.us/images/057fncaix4r6qumpq1if.jpg The last one was for an old friend...
  12. Just click on them, and you'll see their size... I don't know why are they so small.... :biggrin:
  13. Well, I started making signatures...That's how bored I am...xD http://www.thepictures.us/images/tyfch96g8ysexx92f6z_thumb.jpg And there are some signatures made from VMB screens, and of course, Vampire Story... http://www.thepictures.us/images/31rib74k5pwrpv3rd0b9_thumb.jpg I love Mona and Froderick...xD http://www.thepictures.us/images/df8n4h7and4zk79il3kx_thumb.jpg Malkavians are my favorite clan:weird and twisted... http://www.thepictures.us/images/sz3cs206zl2plct7sy83_thumb.jpg This is my new character, she is a hunter... http://www.thepictures.us/images/anrtzs6rzmb2j1zc1je8_thumb.jpg
  14. Keep up with great work people... :biggrin: :thumbsup:
  15. WOOOOAH!!! Amazing, I love the photos, and Fabulance, your elf is perfect.
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