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Lady Azura

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    Allods online, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Vampyre Story, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, Morrowind...and so on...
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    Sleeping in my coffin,Oblivion, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, Fallout 3

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  1. Going to Chernobyl this summer.With my cousin and the rest of his crew who're collecting plant and soil samples from the fields around the power plant.Any advices?xD besides that one I should keep my Geiger's counter up and running.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lady Azura

      Lady Azura

      I know everything, I've been trained.

      But the thing is THERE surely is a risk.Pripyat and Chernobyl are quite interesting places but the fact they PAY much tells something.And that someone doesn't want to do the job him/herself.

    3. TreborMarg


      You've been trained? Not by me you haven't =P


      Well, at least you know what you're getting into, but I still say the best advice is to stay away from there unless you had no choice.

    4. Lady Azura

      Lady Azura

      Yes, I'm well aware of the possible consequences, and I do know how to prevent all those difficulties.

      And there's always a risk.

      I'm going there with a professional though and everything should be just fine.The thing is, they offer good money.

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