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Everything posted by lowryder2005

  1. Okay, I tried to look into the level up crash... and I found nothing useful. I uninstalled all my mods, even went back to the original STRINGS file ('cause of the dialogue overhaul), deleted INIs, launched the game without any mod whatsoever and it still crashes. Dang. :(
  2. Anyone happened to have figured out the level up crash? Is it a mod? :/
  3. You are actually very encouraging! Thank you for your kind reply. I actually am a little bit less hesitant after reading it. :)
  4. I spent the last few weeks tweaking my Skyrim, and the end result - thanks to all the wonderful mods around - has been amazing. I carefully sorted them, adjusted them, re-tweaked, used BOSS, LOOT, even got the gist of a handful of TES5EDIT's functions. Cleaned the update, expansions, I still need to create a bashed patch and run DynDoLOD's Proc and then it's basically done. I spent a lot of time... and it has been fun. I didn't think I could have had much fun in modding the game "before" playing it. Now, despite running 250 ESPS - with maybe an additional 50 or 70 smaller patches carefully merged - (although most of them are actually small-scale adjustments there are indeed a dozen or so of big-time players as far as scripts go: SkyUi, Frostfall, Inconsequential NPCs, Epic Gameplay Overhaul, the very recent - and supposedly stable - Warzones, Deadly Combat, SMIM and Realistic Needs & Diseases; moreover, they are paired with graphically demanding mods as the T.A.Z. ENB and a Tamriel Reloaded/ Verdant mash-up plus multiple little textures and meshes here and there), my setup seems almost surprinsingly stable in light of doing my homework. It never crashes, at the very least not because of memory usage. Having a good PC (i5 4400, with a GTX 970 and 8 GB of RAM), along with the correct inis and ENB settings certainly did wonders to circumvent the structural limitations of the game engine. Moreover, I purposedly avoided redundant mods (I excluded some very popular ones like 3DNPCs, Immersive Patrols, so although I'm expanding the game framework by a great deal I don't think I'm creating issues between the mods in the purest sense - at least not unwanted and not between the "big ones" by carefully chose sets which would not conflict or applying all the necessary patches). Now, my Skyrim is beautiful, and I have to thank all of the guys who made this possible. Honestly, tweaking this was an incredible gaming experience (or rather "metagaming experience"). I even sorted some stuff to create a little personal Sovngarde replacer/overhaul, fixed typos on some other mods, created outfit etc. The customization was so engrossing I can barely contain my anticipation to start the game itself, even if I had started it two times before and dropped it because (first time on PS3, second time on PC because I lacked the proper hardware to mod it like I wanted). Going back to the Skyrim I built, I actually have yet to test it on a multi-hour session (just haven't got the time), but I implemented this tutorial multiple times in my stability tests: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=206500292 Now, like I said, despite the tutorial warnings of "your game will 100% crash at some point"- my game never does, at least not even after running some multiple laps at 1000 k/h around Skyrim as a whole like a supersonic hedgehog in 10 minutes or so. Lots of hiccups, textures taking some seconds to load and split-second freezes (using a HDD because I can't fit my 60 GB ModOrganizer folder in my SSD), sure, but that's it. There is one thing, though, that I fear and that it has been enough to put me down: simply because I can't actually test it, but only try to predict it and take preventional measures against it. That is: the dreaded save game bloating. Or rather, starting a game, spend 100 hours and then lose everything because your save will not load at all (or, technically, load forever), immediately crash or crash right away. My savegame starts right at a whopping 8.9 MB, after getting in Helgen through the console and completing the first quest it gets to 9 MB - to give a very, very vague idea. I understand it is to be expected, it's proportional to the amount of mods I'm using. What I don't know is if, given how the game currently is with the extensive memory tweaks and patches created by the community, is "how much will that save size be after playing 100 hours" and "the likelihood of my save size coming to hunt me later in the game" by making it unplayable. Now, as I had I came prepared to deal with it almost right off the bat; I knew what are the four things to fear the most about modding Skyrim (faulty mods, severe load order screw-ups involving missing masters, memory issues, and bloating your save or playthrough in multiple ways). I got the ENBoost, helper plugin, stables inis, and all the safe memory expansions, the indispensable Unofficial Skyrim Patch, got SkyTweak, Clean Up Your Corpses and a save-game cleaner ready should the worst cases arise. I read here and there that some people have savegames of over 20 MBs (although after 50 to 100 hours). I think I should (stress on "think" and "should") be good, but the fact that my savegame starts with such a big file size is rubbing me the wrong way. Closing this big post, I'd like to ask for advice. Are my worries unfounded or not? Is the best course of action to drop some of my loved mods or not? Renewing my thanks to all of the Nexus, I bid my fellow Dovakhiins goodbye for the time being. If anything, I had fun modding my Skyrim as it was a game in itself! Note: I proceeded to do an additional test, at least the closest thing I could think of what it means to run a "seasoned" Skyrim with all those mods by downloading a 100% save I found on the Nexus and loading it through ModOrganizer and SKSE with all my mod list. Although warning me of some missing content - save went from 15 MB to 19 MB after loading the mods, it loaded and played smoothly. I "played" it for fifteen minutes or so before I exited the game and all seemed to went well. I don't think it's hard-proof but it's definitely a good sign, maybe?
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