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  1. Just wondering how much work there is left to do on the Mjolnir Armour, and will you be releasing it once its done or completing the other armours first?
  2. Once its out it should be a breeze to make recolours. Though - that's only if Skree would allow editing of his released materials.
  3. I've looked rather hard an come up empty handed.. and so begins my request, I need a "My First" World Space tutorial for Fallout 3. I've attempted following the TES Editor's tutorials however there are some fundamental differences between GECK and TES, after playing with everything in the editor and not understanding why many things happen (many issues regarding LOD settings, water, water height and water textures). My attempts in making my own world space have been... problematic. I can essentially do it however the final result varies from problematic too game crashing. If anyone knows the location of such a tutorial please point me in the direction, Oblivion's tutorials just don't seem to cut it. Thanks in advance.
  4. Awesome news. An interesting thought - would it be possible to rip the level terrain from Halo into FO3? Or the tree's and terrain objects? Just curious because while I did enjoy the game I'm personally not a big fan of the fallout environment - Its capacity for modification seems far too limited.
  5. Wow, nice images. Kudos' to you sir. Just wondering about my previous request, the clean textured version? Will such a thing be available or must I make my own retex?
  6. Yep, that is the general idea. I don't really think its necessary to change the weight, but its your call. I really think the big selling point for this is the visuals. I'm personally wanting to make an original total conversion (over the next year or two) and I suck at modelling / texturing so I'll be using these suits as a base until I can find a decent 3d artist. I've always liked the appearance of Halo's armour and there's nothing out there at the moment that suits the description of my "Power Armour" better. You're original stat's are all well and good, I personally don't think there should be an Agility reduction - seem as the Mjolnir amour in lore increases Everything. There are zero downfalls to using it. Game-wise it IS unbalanced - but then you are a super soldier sent to destroy two entire planets (halos), fend off earth from a world-ending assault and prevent the destruction of the entire galaxy (3/4 pretty much single-handedly). So there's your in game balance for halo. If you want to balance it out for Fallout then that's up too you.
  7. According to lore, the Mjolnir armour weighs in at 1000 pounds / one half ton. You should totally make it that heavy. I've read all the books, but the halo wiki contains all sorts of information of this kind for reference. http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/MJOLNIR_Powered_Assault_Armor
  8. Stat's look good, I've actually been following this really closely. Its one of the first things I check when I get online. Looking forward to it, I do hope a release comes out soon. Oh - and I am a halo geek but I am unfamiliar with the abbreviation USMC, shouldn't it be UNMC (United Nations Marine Corps) seem as the UNSC (United Nations Space Corps) is named as such. Perhaps its an oversight of mine, but I can be a little picky. Doesn't really matter I just tend to point these things out.
  9. You said in your first post that you'll be modifying the texture to consist of "Grime and Patch up" sections, would you be able to release an unedited version for lil' old me XD Thanks in advance.
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