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Everything posted by Neverclock

  1. Already done, actually. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35230
  2. I've actually been attempting to get ahold of Backsteppo myself in hopes that he'd allow me to share and host his old pose mod with a community that I know loves the hell out of it. He is unfortunately MIA.
  3. First, you're the only person in the world that likes GFWL. It was/is terrible, buggy and inefficient. Second, this information isn't new, so it was released before. Your just learning of it now doesn't change that the information was readily available. I also highly doubt PC users will be waiting at all. That article didn't even mention the PC and seemed to be aimed at consoles. The sky isn't falling.
  4. He might just be getting something from the Scavenger mod... or perhaps something I toss together from there. I thought his epic beard might make up for it.
  5. Thanks alot. There are no signs of slowing and I think people will enjoy some of the twists this comic is going to take. Stay tuned!
  6. Very, very glad you like it! Thanks for the support, Odile!
  7. If they are the same ones I'm thinking of they were unfortunately rips.
  8. Just thought I'd make a forum post on it to let anyone who is interested in image share comics here on the nexus that the third issue of Vault Exodus has finally come out. It took a bit as life was happy to get in the way of the project. For those who don't know about it, Vault Exodus is a bi-weekly comic I do here on the nexus centering around the story of a young woman from vault 101 and her quest to secure the future of her vault. She braves the path the Lone Wanderer has blazed. The third issue however breaks from our look into Alessa's journey and instead finds us looking in on the Lone Wanderer himself. If you haven't, check this modest endeavor out. Its intention is to be very lore compliant with few exceptions (Alessa being believably Amata's less favored sister being pretty much the only lore break). I'm quite happy with it so far (with the exception of some gramatical errors that slipped by in photoshop that I can't correct without deleting the image :( ) and hope you will enjoy it as well. Thanks, Fallout Nexus. Issue Three: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=16756 Issue Listing, updated for your ease every new issue! http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=16030 Next issue on August 26th!
  9. Hair is probably the most difficult thing to do in this game engine by all accounts. This is why really we don't see new hair developed, mostly just ported over from people who succeeded in Oblivion.
  10. There are various resources on nexus for all things eli, you'd just really need to use those and design a whole quest chain for it. FWE disables fast travel, which is great. I never use it when playing for my own pleasure (fast travel that is). It is handy though for the comic and walking my girlfriend through some things.
  11. Did you steal something? It just takes their momentary aggro and the companions will flip their poo and gun them down.
  12. And die thinking of what might've been behind that door? We're most likely never gonna return there "some time later" when the skill is high enough. The feeling of "What if" is just too great some times, even though I am well aware that I'd just get some pre-war money I won't need and not some sort of ultra rare item of legend I'd still open that damn safe just to be sure. I find the Explosive Entry mod to be super-realistic and perfect for F3 and its cured me of my console addiction. Additonally, turning the console off entirely can lead to some rather unfortunate incidents like when you get stuck somewhere or some guy bugs up. I hated that on the PS3. The console is handy to have. Explosive Entry is quite legitimate and realistic for those who don't want to dump into lock picking for sure. Gives extra use to explosives. I just mean if you haven't tailored your character to be able to open said locks in some way... just don't cheat. This person needs to engage in some exercises of willpower instead of projecting said problems onto the console. If one can't make that decision for themselves though, I'd say his problems are more complex then cheating in a video game. If you don't want to cheat, don't use the console to cheat, you don't need shock therapy for Fallout 3 ;) ... well, with somewhere around 2500-3000 saves maybe I do...
  13. Never seen that mod before, that's nice. Thank you. Alot of trouble to go through for something that can be solved with some self control. Just make it a point not to cheat the system. You're not stupid, as you've said and your fingers don't have a life of their own. Just don't do it. I don't think it can be done. The console is hard coded into the game and is a programming tool.
  14. I could see the use of it. Not exactly my thing as I like the feeling of a desolate wasteland it would be interesting. Probably would be a female dog to create though.
  15. I would have to say my stint of throwing mines in peoples beds and then waiting for them to go to sleep. Roy Phillips never really did see it coming.
  16. I don't really find any of them scary, but I would have to say the idea behind 92 is frightening.
  17. There is an ingame age difference inbetween the base race age and the elderly age. People like Jericho and Doc Church fall into that age category. I wouldn't mind it myself, honestly. I've tried to find ways to do it myself but am far too new with the GECK to do so.
  18. Make sure you give us a link when you post it!
  19. Yeah Kevlar Weave is fine, I just think it'd be the coolest thing to have Jericho or even Clover or Butch wear suits and tinted glasses when they're fighting with you (Jericho especially, cause he smokes if you put a pack of cigarettes in his inventory). I played through half of the game wearing the dark suit and using the Perforator, so if anyone can make this mod really quick I'd really appreciate it... someone who knows what they're doing could make a suit like that in 5 mins. You might like the contract killer/contract killer light suits in Tailor Maid. This one is pretty cool but the suit in it is also reflecting the textures of the terrain (looks like the road or roof of a building). Maybe there's something wrong with my videocard... they only work properly in certain angles. Anyone else have this problem? Sounds like you haven't uploaded the textures right, either that or yes, get Archive Invalidated and enable it.
  20. Yeah Kevlar Weave is fine, I just think it'd be the coolest thing to have Jericho or even Clover or Butch wear suits and tinted glasses when they're fighting with you (Jericho especially, cause he smokes if you put a pack of cigarettes in his inventory). I played through half of the game wearing the dark suit and using the Perforator, so if anyone can make this mod really quick I'd really appreciate it... someone who knows what they're doing could make a suit like that in 5 mins. You might like the contract killer/contract killer light suits in Tailor Maid.
  21. Look at the Type V armor meshes, the pitt armors there should do the trick for you. Type V is compatible with Type 3
  22. I agree though, the Lone Wanderer is a male. Hell, the slideshow at the end of vanilla pretty much confirms that its a male by default. Kind of like Mass Effect, though in my opinion female Shep should be the poster for it as her voice actor is much, much better.
  23. The lone wanderer is a man. Alessa isn't the lone wanderer. Sorry for not making that clear ;)
  24. Just thought I'd give fans of the genre here on Nexus the heads up in case they missed the first issue. The first Issue of Vault Exodus, titled Fourteen Nights came out early today. The series takes some liberties with lore for the story (creating Alessa, giving the Lone Wanderer a name, etc) and will take some rather interesting twists as it develops and the reality of the situation really takes hold. The second issue should be coming out soon (within the next few days) though I have slated Vault Exodus for a weekly release schedule. Heres the rundown on Issue One: Fourteen Nights: Alessa finds herself in need of shelter while dusk quickly closes in around her. Her inner doubts rage while her fear grows, unsure of herself and if she has what it takes to save her people. Shelter however is rarely safe in the wasteland and soon she finds herself fighting for her life so that her fourteenth night won't be her last. Hope you enjoy! I'm looking for your support to make Vault Exodus a success. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=15734
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