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Make Custom made dragons in the CK give dragon souls on death


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I have mad a cpl of dragon bosses for my mod by creating a new actor but when the player kills the dragons the body does not burn up or give a dragon soul. Does anyone know how to make the dragon give a dragon soul on death using the CK?

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They have to be "classified" as dragons in the dragon sector of the actors list. The best way to do this is to make them from duplicates of existing dragons.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Just found a quest called MQkillDragon that is attached to the DragonActorscript and controls the event for the dragon disintigrating and giving the player a dragon soul I have attached my own editied version of this script to my dragon and will test as soon as CK saves the mod. If this works however it would suggest that all the non scripted dragon actors in the CK will not give dragon souls on death. Once again if you want something done gotta do it yourself! haha



Doesnt work either. even though the script saves fine and it should initaite when the dragon dies lo and behold it doent work lol

Edited by morrowind1979
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The script DragonActorScript indeed is responsible for the event of dragon yielding soul. if it does not work, probably there's something you've done incorrectly


Found a workaround adding the script to the dragon does not work for reasons unknown to me lol. However setting the actor base to encfiredragon01 and unticking every box except use scripts makes the dragon burn up and give a soul at death

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