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World Texturing.


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Heya, I'm kinda new to playing around with GECK. I use to do a bit with the old Morrowind editor way back in the day but have since forgotten a lot. I'm currently trying to design a new area in the Wastelands and have an area cleared of rocks and trees and all leveled out with the Landscape Editing tool (shortcut 'H').


My issue is that when I go to repaint this area with my desired texture (or any texture for that matter). The textures seem restricted for some weird reason and will paint in set boxes, often painting quarter of the World Grid (shortcut 'B') with the selected texture.


I'm really lost about why I cannot just paint my whole section of cleared space the one texture then shade and shape etc from this.


Thanks for any positive feedback I would really love to find a way around this annoying thing.

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