Deleted6722668User Posted May 23, 2013 Share Posted May 23, 2013 Hello all. I'm new to the forums but not new to gaming, as you can tell this is a solution post, not a I have an issue post. I'm still perusing the forums, but I decided to take the time and make a quick post of some of the issues I have found and solved. I recently decided I wanted more customization, so I started installing "graphical mods" after several mods, my game began freezing and crashing, I didn't know what it was... until I preformed a simple "lag" test. I "sprinted" in game for several minutes when I stopped treed were two dimensional. what this is is when you look far distances you see trees with less detail and texture... if you were to get up close this is what they would look like. Card board cutouts, landscaping missing, these are some of the graphical clues to "lag" when you stop sprinting time how long it takes for the world to return to normal. if its more then 5 minutes, you may want to lower your graphics mode and pick a smaller screen. My MOD load out.Steam mods;Mead Keg Backpackknapsack BackpacksSkyUiUnofficial Dawnguard PatchSilencers VestmentsDunmer Thief tunic (awesome starter)Liliths Thorn (my lvl 62 uses this)plate armor plus (for my heavy shield fighter)flame atronach armor (its neat but.....)weapon Variant Expansioncraftable crossbows (russion version)Daedric assassin lightCalyps' Razor assassin armorSilver and Dark knight armors (love the Light wings)argonian skintones, more arg skin tones (still lvl 5)left hand ringsflyable broomstick (for my main for exploration fun)alt, ancient shroud armorunlimited bookshelvesdwemer autoblade (giggles or what. just hangs on a wall.)bigger trees- falkreath (mmm trees)legendary creaturesitem sortingstronger daedric artysbetter werewolfbromjunaar extendeddragon bone weapon packcrafting+: weaponsbigger giants5kg dragon scales and bones (dragons fly, and birds have hollow bones.....)realistic ragdolls and force (giant still knocks me flying)arrowsmith: vanillageneral fixes to followers. that is a lot... lols.(35) Nexus MODsApachiiskyhair 1.5 and the low res texture packCalientes big bottom CBBE and the low/ med/ high texture pack (low installed)dreamBurrows patchwork maiden armorelven archer armor (I have re-scinned this one myself, more green with highlights)show race menu options (so i can restyle the hair.) with CBBE as default (ultra high) game was unplayable as previously described. Installed the LOW texture pack, and bam, its never run as smoothly. my system (your gonna love this) WIN XP 32 bit sp3dfi lanparty 790fxam2 64 x2 56006 ghz ram (windows says 3.5)ati radeon hd 4650 512 MB (yes 4650) 1360x768 on 19" phillips flatscreen its a few years old...... Skyrim detects HIGH graphics, but I tweak it so its more mid graphics to kill lag, and CTD (crash to desktop) Hope you got a kick out of this, and maybe it helped. MrKnify Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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