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New to Skyrim mods, have some questions


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Hello everyone,


So I found out that Skyrim can be played in coop with 1 friend. I wanna give it a shot, also I would like to try out the mods.


1. Do mods interfer with each other or can i use multiple mods at the same time?

2. Does the co-op mod exist here on Nexus, does it work with other mods?

3. I don't wanna litter my whole game with useless mods. Can somebody suggest some of the best mods that enhance gameplay the most? I want new weapons/armors/items, skills/spells, skill trees, maybe a few unique suggestions that make it more fun/challenging.


I know I could find these things out on my own but it will take me a lot of times as there's lots of mods and what not in these forums. I will appreciate any help!

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I think this may be what you were looking for. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3592/?


It's incomplete and hasn't been updated since November though.


Bethesda is working on a new game I think it is Elder Scrolls on Line - it is currently in a by invitation beta test and they expect to release it next year. It is NOT Skyrim, but does take place in the same world.

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