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I made bras, but they clip. Help?


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I made some lace bras from EliteCheat's LSAR, using the #3 mesh. They work great, until my character is equipped with chest clothing or armor. At that point, they clip through any chest equipment.


I am using bodyslide++ to make sure that the bra and the armor match up. I tried varying the sizes of the bra and armor in bodyslide++ to see if I could get them to line up when equipped, but that hasn't worked.


I am thinking that the next step for me needs to be to whip out 3ds max and change something on the bra mesh to tell it to go UNDER the frickin armor, but I have no idea what to do in 3ds max or where to start. I have never used 3ds max before. While I am sure that I could load a file, change some stuff, and then save it, I do not know what to change.


Does anyone have any ideas?

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