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Cannot Join Two Objects in MAX - NIFScope Always Separates Them!


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I want to attach the lower teeth to the upper teeth and make as one. I know how to do this fine in MAX Blender, etc.


The problem is even though the joined object "appears" as one object, when I export from MAX to .nif and open in Nifscope, the goddamned mesh separates back to its original UNJOINED configuration.


I know about three ways to join objects in MAX. Attach. Collapse. Boolean. None of them are permanent. I know about Ctrl J in Blender, too. No joy there either.


I can export my stupid joined s*** to MudBox then export those entire parts as a whole OBJ again. That joins the s*** permanently. But this is a pain in the unnecessary @ss to have to do every time I need to join something for good.


Is there a better way to join multiple mesh parts in MAX and have them STAY joined when I load them in Nifscope?


Sorry for the negatories. Please help me.

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