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Requesting voice actors


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I am soliciting the help of anyone interested in doing voice acting for the following mod:




This mod will not involve any NPCs with extensive dialogue. I only need 5 or 6 lines at most per 'voice type', such as:


"They let peasants like you into the palace? The war must be going very badly for the Empire indeed..."


"So they call you 'Dragonborn'? Does that mean a dragon shot you out from its....heh"


"Please stand further away from me, I prefer not to have my sense of smell assaulted."


You get the drift.


- All I need from you is the wav files. I will handle everything else (lip sync files, conversion to fuz, etc.).

- no previous voice acting experience is necessary, but...if you at least had some knowledge about how to avoid low quality sound or static during recording, that would save me a lot of time not having to edit the sound files afterwards.


Please drop me a PM if interested.

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