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So I run a plethora of Immersion mods - Including, but not limited too (Bad memory) Frostfall - Hypothermia - RnD - SkyRe? - Wet and Cold etc...etc...


What I'm wondering is involving SkyRe though. Does SkyRe have negative effects on your stamina/weapon damage or whatever when you havent eaten/drinken? I Could have swore that when I first installed it, my weapons had absurd damage ratios - like 150 Sword and stuff, to make the combat more realistic and to adjust it accordingly with the armor buffs. However, now I'm down to like 30 with a sword, I'm not sure if that was SkyRe, but I also had Requiem - SkyRealism - and Ace (I know, all conflicting mods I think, but I disabled them). Am I crazy or did something happen here?


My second question would be : is there a difference between heavy armor and light armor in SkyRe at all? Like in Vanilla, everyone went Light Armor simply because it was basically the same thing and you could run faster.


I had a female (Epic Elf) but a new texture that I simply just love for NPC's ruined the eye texture of Epic Elves, so I changed my Female to a Male Nord and am wondering what archetype to do aswell. Is there anyway to respec without ruining anything?




1) Are my weapon ratios normal, for SkyRe, or did I bug it out with conflicting mods?

2) Is Heavy Armor better (more protecting) than Light Armor in SkyRe, unlike Vanilla?

3) Is there anyway to respect (I know SkyRe offers a potion, but only updates.) without ruining my game?

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1) Now, I'm only a layman, but I had similar scaling issues with armor, spells, mobs etc. Using this tool fixed everything for me: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28467/?

It basically converts all the numerical values of your mods to a SkyRe-appropriate level, and saves this file as an .esp



2) I believe the armor difference between light and heavy armor is larger than in vanilla.


3) It might be a hassle, but completing the Dragonborn quest-line allows you to respec. I guess there's plenty of mods out there for this as well. :happy:

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It didn't work, I guess my game is too heavily modded.


Thanks for your attempt anyways :-)


After using ReProccer my weapons no longer give me much dmg at all, orcish bow give me 16 with 2 perks into the damage bonus...hmm...

Edited by Leik1
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