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[LE] How to make a creature move more frequently?

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Hi, right now I'm making a mod with goal of taming the underwater creatures (Vanilla, Sea of Spirits) and while the taming part works fine, some of the creatures e.g. slaughterfishes are not really wandering around that often. They stay in place often for minutes before they change position again. Is there a way to increase the frequence of the position change? For taming them i just changed their ai data to "Unagressive".

For the movement i created a new AI Package called "TameFishSlaugherfish" which is based on the "Sandbox" Template. For the location i set the following parameters:




The flags of the AI package are set to the following:




Is there a way to change the frequency of position changes in this preset or is the only by creating a custom Template?

Edited by cracksoldier
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The "Energy" in the "AI Data Tab" is what defines how often the npc will move from one spot to another when sandboxing, as long as the npcs has the required data in their AI behavior, otherwise "Energy" will do nothing.

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Thanks for the tip with energy i looked it up on the creation kit page (https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=AI_Data_Tab#Energy), but i tried now multiple values between 0 and 100 but my slaughterfish is not moving a single inch, it only rotates on his start location. I always set the the value in AI Data and AI Package. How are this two values linked? My AI Package is based on "Sandbox" so the energy value should work.

Edited by cracksoldier
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A slaughterfish is a slaughterfish, the actor does not have a rich AI behavior data on its "hkx behavior graph", it only does what you've described.

If you want the slaughterfish to randomly move in a specific location and radius, then you need to use and place various "Sandbox Idles" which will have as the owner your slaughterfish or the slaughterfish's faction.

But i don't know which "Idles" can work with a slaughterfish sandbox, you need to experiment with them.

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