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What's wrong with this HKX XML file?

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I've written a script to walk through the armature and keyframe data in a Blender file and use it to generate HKX XML. I'm interrogating Blender base on the scripts @Anton0028's wrote for Skyrim LE, and the HKX format is working the Havok brain dump that @ajs52698 recently posted.


The output is good enough for HKXPack to generate a .hkx file, and when I use simple test animations, the numbers look about as I would expect. But when I try and use the idle as a pose, I get a t-pose, and if I try and generate metadata for furniture, I crash the CK.


I figure I have to be fairly close, and if I can get this to work, we all get a new way to generate Fallout 4 animation. Can anyone see what I'm missing?




Turns out, you can swap out the Spline Compression module in HCT and Max. If I do that, I get an Interleaved, Uncompressed animation which is what I'm trying to generate. Turns out I'm missing a section like this.

        <hkobject class="hkaDefaultAnimatedReferenceFrame" name="#94" signature="0x60f8e0b8">
            <!-- memSizeAndRefCount SERIALIZE_IGNORED -->
            <!-- frameType SERIALIZE_IGNORED -->
            <hkparam name="up">(0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0)</hkparam>
            <hkparam name="forward">(0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0)</hkparam>
            <hkparam name="duration">16.66666603088379</hkparam>
            <hkparam name="referenceFrameSamples" numelements="2">(0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) (0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)</hkparam>

For anyone who has played with the animation controllers in Nifscope, that is going to look very familiar. I'm guessing this is why the game couldn't find anything to do with my idle.

I'm going to make a few changes to bring my output into line with HCT output, and see where that takes me.

Edited by DocClox
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I figure I have to be fairly close, and if I can get this to work, we all get a new way to generate Fallout 4 animation.




Now that sounds very interesting. No more fiddling with animation controllers would be nice. Its fairly easy for simple stuff, but for really complex animations its just way to much work.


...not to mention the non-existent error-handling and reporting. (unless you count CTD's as 'reporting an error')

Edited by RoNin1971
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Well, I have something in-game now, so that's progress. Admittedly it's just a scrunched up mess at the moment ... but then again, I just discovered that my test blend file had about 40 extra bones, so that can't have been helping.


I know what you mean about controllers. I could just about make 'em work in Skyrim, but every file I look at in Fo4 seems to have about 8 of them to do a single thing and I get hopelessly lost.

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In case anyone's interested, I'm making good progress on this. I ended up with the discussion on LL, mainly because there's a linked project already there.


I'd link it, but I'm not sure if LL links are allowed these days.

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