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what happened to kvatch rebuilt?


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The Kvatch arena is a side quest for Kvatch Rebuilt.


FragmentaryHorcrux, thanks for listing the mods that needs patches. It is great help for me.

By the way, Wethyl fortress isn't on top of Frostcrag tower now, is it? Just the village, right? I might redo that whole fortress, as that mountain is way to populated with popular mods... But that would be left for 3.1 in any case. For now, patches will do.

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Nope, it's just directly on top of the village; the tower is unaffected as far as I can tell. But yeah, that area is far too populated. Have you thought about closer to the Skyrim border? Looking at the UL map I notice an area north of Stendarr Valley or the area northeast of Cloutop Mountains and north of the Reclaiming Sancre Tor area (and the only major mod I can think of between the RST area and Stendarr Valley is Glenvar Castle).

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I'll look into that. Been wanting to change that side of the mod anyway really. Integrate the attack on the fortress more into the storyline, instead of being as random as it is now. But again, that will be for 3.1. I need more time to figure out a story for it, and people have waited long enough for this mod to be released, so...

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Another very minor mod issue is Sounds of Cyrodiil adds some rain hitting tents sound effects for the refugee camp outside Kvatch but when the camp moves the noises are still made when nothing is there. Very minor, but something else to consider. Everything else seems to be working so far!


EDIT: Oops, spoke too soon. Look like the map marker for the first KR quest--to ask Count Hassildor for masons--points to the vanilla main door to Castle Skingrad but as I have the most recent Better Cities installed, this marker points to basically nowhere. Also, the Count is not showing any conversation topics related to the quest... How are we supposed to even get to him, though? I had to cheat and unlock his manor door to get inside because he never comes out except during that Mages Guild quest. He is supposed to be a recluse and won't see anyone (b/c he's a vampire) so, even despite the situation w/ Kvatch, I feel it makes more sense to have the Steward arrange an audience or speak with the Count for you (as per that vanilla quest where the Argonian lady speaks to the Count for you). Perhaps you should change that to asking his Steward instead of asking the Count directly?

Edited by FragmentaryHorcrux
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Im stuck on the lord and lady quest, not sure at all what to do I can only find the ladys heart and when I use it my quest log updates but when I try to activate the lady again it just says I need the heart again.

-Edit Nevermind but too be honest considering there are no guides out there these quests should have quest markers or a little bit more info on how to proceed.

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Well, I was considering adding quest markers for that part, but since it is essentially a "search for this item and in this closed off location" type of quest, a quest marker would basically ruin that quest.

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Well, I was considering adding quest markers for that part, but since it is essentially a "search for this item and in this closed off location" type of quest, a quest marker would basically ruin that quest.

Yeah I geuss but I managed to move to the next part through the door and the quest didnt update, the underground one did but the lord and lady one didn't will I eventually finish that or can you give me the code to console finish it so I can get it out of my log.?

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Hmm, I fought my way into the fortress near frostcraig and now when I kill the lord dude 1. I cant loot him 2. I go and hit the button thingy at the top and a voice says "Why have you come here and then the game pretty much just keeps me there and I cant move talk etc". Any suggestions?

Edit- I managed to figure out why this was happening. If you have companions leave them out of the fight or they will kill him and the script will bug out.

Edit 2- New problem when you are teleported after the cutscene when the fight starts oblivion crashes.

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