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what happened to kvatch rebuilt?


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Well, I was considering adding quest markers for that part, but since it is essentially a "search for this item and in this closed off location" type of quest, a quest marker would basically ruin that quest.

Yeah I geuss but I managed to move to the next part through the door and the quest didnt update, the underground one did but the lord and lady one didn't will I eventually finish that or can you give me the code to console finish it so I can get it out of my log.?


The quest didn't complete even though you could move on, is that what you are saying?



Hmm, I fought my way into the fortress near frostcraig and now when I kill the lord dude 1. I cant loot him 2. I go and hit the button thingy at the top and a voice says "Why have you come here and then the game pretty much just keeps me there and I cant move talk etc". Any suggestions?

Edit- I managed to figure out why this was happening. If you have companions leave them out of the fight or they will kill him and the script will bug out.

Edit 2- New problem when you are teleported after the cutscene when the fight starts oblivion crashes.

Uhm, how did a companion kill him exactly? He is surrounded by collision boxes, so nothing should get through. Anyway, I will make him neutral to companions, so that it shouldn't happen.


I will also look into the crashing issue. Most likely it has to do with OBSE, as I tried some new commands that I have not used before, to make it smoother.

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Well, I was considering adding quest markers for that part, but since it is essentially a "search for this item and in this closed off location" type of quest, a quest marker would basically ruin that quest.

Yeah I geuss but I managed to move to the next part through the door and the quest didnt update, the underground one did but the lord and lady one didn't will I eventually finish that or can you give me the code to console finish it so I can get it out of my log.?


The quest didn't complete even though you could move on, is that what you are saying?



Hmm, I fought my way into the fortress near frostcraig and now when I kill the lord dude 1. I cant loot him 2. I go and hit the button thingy at the top and a voice says "Why have you come here and then the game pretty much just keeps me there and I cant move talk etc". Any suggestions?

Edit- I managed to figure out why this was happening. If you have companions leave them out of the fight or they will kill him and the script will bug out.

Edit 2- New problem when you are teleported after the cutscene when the fight starts oblivion crashes.

Uhm, how did a companion kill him exactly? He is surrounded by collision boxes, so nothing should get through. Anyway, I will make him neutral to companions, so that it shouldn't happen.


I will also look into the crashing issue. Most likely it has to do with OBSE, as I tried some new commands that I have not used before, to make it smoother.


Thanks :smile: and yeah the quest didnt complete even though I could move on and I think that its a bit bugged because the quest only starts with "I have entered a mansion or something like that" after you place a heart in someone.

Also I have no idea how they kill him but they use magic and his knights rush my companions and get owned and he aggros on them too and pretty much gets 1 hit. xD (OP midas magic companions)

Found a new bug too, whenever fast traveling into kvatch its the ruins of the city and you need to leave and go back in for the actual town.

Edited by askmax
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Do you know/have an idea when the final version will be made/uploaded/finished? Because when you finish/upload it, I won't have any problems with it because I haven't installed any previous versions of this mod since I only got involved with modding as of last year, and by the time I started to look for this mod for Oblivion, it was already taken down since you've been working on it, so I would like if you have an idea when this mod will be finished/when you plan on having it finished.


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Okay, thank you. By the way, I read the read me, and I'm still not exactly sure what the Underground quest is. If I were to install this mod, how should I avoid this quest? P.S. If I install this current beta version, would it be safe to install the final version over this beta one once you decide to release? Or would I have to do a complete re-install/install of this mod?


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Okay, thank you. By the way, I read the read me, and I'm still not exactly sure what the Underground quest is. If I were to install this mod, how should I avoid this quest? P.S. If I install this current beta version, would it be safe to install the final version over this beta one once you decide to release? Or would I have to do a complete re-install/install of this mod?



When the final version is released, you can simply update it. No reinstall required.



Zaldiir, I was wondering if it was possible to upload KR 1.1 alongside 3.0 for those who want a lighter mod? Since I can't seem to progress beyond the first quest of the beta and I really want to start a new playthrough with my many mods I'd like to see if 1.1 would work better, compatibility-wise.

I'd rather not upload the old versions now really. But, could you give some more information as to why you can't progress past the first quest?

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could you give some more information as to why you can't progress past the first quest?



Sorry, I probably should have posted again rather than editing my last post. So, I go to find Count Hassildor for the first quest to get masons. I can't get to him because he's holed up in the castle. But none of his stewards have topics related to KR and I had to cheat to get up to the Count and neither did he have any KR topics. Am I supposed to wait for something else to happen?

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