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what happened to kvatch rebuilt?


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I did have plans to release it this weekend, but my work at Druid Gameworks prevented this. Now, I am going back to Poland again on Thursday, and coming back next Wednesday, so I don't know if I'll release it before or after I get home again.



And no, it was not supposed to be incompatible with Frostcrag Village, but it did happen, since that mountain is so popular. But a patch will be made.

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Great release! Thanks! :D

Are you Italian, by the way?

Edit: I checked the fcom patch. I'm using Fcom but I'm not using francesco. I guess I don't need it ? :wink:
Edit 2: Any chance you could release a single archive containing all the patches? Or a bain wizard when your mod will leave beta status?

Edited by Sergio1992
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I am Norwegian, why?


And no, you do not need the FCOM patch if you are only using COM. ;)

And once it is out of beta, I plan to make an NMM installer with the patches included, as well as a single archive uploaded to the Nexus.

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I am Norwegian, why?


And no, you do not need the FCOM patch if you are only using COM. :wink:

And once it is out of beta, I plan to make an NMM installer with the patches included, as well as a single archive uploaded to the Nexus.

several years ago I saw inside an Italian forum a kvatch mod that was being made. But I don't remember on which forum I saw it.


I never played kvatch rebuilt so I was wondering if you were the creator of that mod.


Anyway, thanks for the post. I will wait patiently for the full out-of-beta version.

Edited by Sergio1992
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And no, it was not supposed to be incompatible with Frostcrag Village, but it did happen, since that mountain is so popular. But a patch will be made.


As long as it's not something I've done with one of my other mods or a weird glitch, that's ok. I was just a bit alarmed at first is all

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