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what happened to kvatch rebuilt?


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I can find some lower versions on other sites, but the one on this site is marked as hidden. Why is this? I'm not starting the main quest because I know the mod has to be installed first and I want to get crackin on it.






Edit by Zaldir (08.04.2014):

Version 3.0 Public Beta has been released. This version is completely safe to use, and once the final version is released, it is as simple as to update to the new version. No hassle involved.

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I think it was said to be out on the 31st. I hope so..


I never got very far in the last one so am stuck between download the old version or waiting for the new one since the old one has a majority or patches/compatible new start mods out for it. Zaldiir said the new one wont be compatible with the old version either as this is more of a remade version then a update.

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Last update on Zaldir's (The developer of Kvatch Rebuilt) website http://zaldir.net/oblivion/449/ was in January, saying that we would see an open beta soon. He hasn't posted since then but he did finally add a comment to that post saying "The final voice actor has finally been found, and I am hoping to release the mod soon." So if we're lucky we'll have an open beta within the next month. For those interested here is the post listing the features he said would be in 3.0 although keep in mind this post was made on June 27 2012 so this list could have been changed or expanded upon. http://zaldir.net/oblivion/285/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Real life took its toll on this update. Between my day job, Game Development, Nexus Moderation and living my life while I am still young, there is little time for modding. I do some modding every day, but most of it is for the Beyond Skyrim collaboration.


I currently have two more characters who needs voice acting (one actor needed only, though), and I am currently working on the Ayleid Companion (who, when finished, will also need voice acting...).

If my final voice actor comes through before the companion is finished, I will most likely scrap the companion, and release the update as soon as I can.



... I'm only 8 months behind schedule, aren't I? :blush:



EDIT: As for why the mod is hidden:

It is riddled with bugs in its current state, and I do not have the time to release a Hot-fix if I am to release 3.0 in a decent time. So, to avoid people downloading the unfinished, somewhat buggy version, I hid it.

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