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the first mod i would like to suggest is a summonable coffin the reason being that while there are many great player homes here on the nexus very few come with the simple luxury of being able to snuggle up in a coffin instead of a bed i attempted this myself once but failed in my attempt to make such a spell....


anyway on to the next request


if you have ever played god of war the concept comes from that game basicaly a mod that where you have a chance to fight and kill a daedric prince and replace him/her


Example: if i were to kill hermaeus mora i would take his place as the daedric prince of knowledge,memory,and,secrets and as such i would gain special perks and powers such as lurkers and seekers are neutral toward me, a player home in apocrypha and best of all an avatar of mora form where the player takes on the form of old herma mora yes i know the second of my two requests most likely will not be done since it is a lot to ask for seeing as my entire example was just for one daedric prince out of 17 and it would be a big undertaking to do all 17 but these are merely suggestions anyway thank you for taking the time to read this post

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