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Skyrim: To Age No Longer...


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(Now Renamed -- Skyrim: To Fear No Longer...)




If you don't want to read the introduction of Morevaulde, skip the succeeding excerpt. ....................................................................................................................................... Who of the many Scourges that plague existance may assert their domain over the schism between Ecstacy and Sorrow? Who may rule over Envy itself, and who may command the workings of Despair? Sheogorath, perhaps? Possibly Clavicus Vile, or Sanguine? No, none of these Daedra may bear the title of Lord over Terror and Jealousy; that is reserved for another...


Morevaulde, Daedric Prince of Despair and Unhindered Envy, Bringer of Sorrow and Jealousy to Nirn. Rivalled in strength only by Akatosh, and subject to none's wills. His power is growing... ....................................................................................................................................... So, with the formalities out of the way, I'd like to explain my idea:


A small town(Oakwreathe) appears to shift occassionally -- from Tamriel to a new plane of Oblivion. Those that return from the realm are dazed and horrified. They claim to "know Sorrow at its core." The village has become bleak and death-like.


The Dovakhin must travel to the Bannered Mare, at which they will encounter Amorek Tyle -- a warrior-class member of the Chosen of Akatosh -- who asks the Dragonborn if he/she has heard of Oakwreathe, to which the player says no. The torches in the pub go out momentarily as Amorek attempts to explain the issues with the town. A voice whispers to the player, taunting the Dovakhin for his/her ignorance, claiming that the player "knows not where your greatist gift came from." The candles are reactivated, and Amorek finishes his statement on Oakwreath as though he had not been interrupted. He spurs you to leave the Bannered Mare with him. Once outside, he talks of the candles burning out, and tells the player about Morevaulde, a powerful Daedric Prince who created Envy and Despair within Nirn. Amorek then mentions that his faction, the Chosen of Akatosh, are sworn to undo Morevaulde's workings; Tyle implores the Dragonborn to accompany him to Oakwreathe for fear that the happenings at the town will spread to the whole of the hold in time.


Throughout the quest, you travel to a new Oblivion Plane (the Dread Falls), encounter a slowy-decaying Oakwreath, return to Whiterun to find it corrupted, join the Chosen of Akatosh, and wage war against Morevaulde. You will earn new weaponry and armor, and gain access to a home within the Dread Falls. Sadly, you never actually fight Morevaulde; Amorek dies near the end, and his body is possessed by Morevaulde, who then fights you.


So... Could this work? I may not be the best modder out there, but I'll help in any way that I am able to. I could create NPCs, or followers -- I have even created a general idea of Amorek (without the quest, of course; he's still a follower, though).


EDIT: Just remembered the Vigilants of Stendarr as well, and I think that I have a solution: the Vigils hunt down all Daedra, not Morevaulde specifically; because of his elusive nature, a group that is not directly, solely focussed upon the Daedric Lord will lose sight of him. That is why the Chosen of Akatosh exist. The guild was formed as a sub-group of the Vigilants with the expressed written purpose of undoing the works of Morevaulde alone, and was broken away from the parent clan due to the Chosen of Akatosh's usage of Daedric Artifacts to combat Morevaulde.

Edited by Susanoo24
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Interesting, building a town would be easy, making it decay and disapear is not possible i think.


Besides after TES 4 nothing from Oblivion can come to Tamriel, unless its for short periods of time like a few minutes.


if someone picks this up it would be intersting to play through, a town in a plane of Oblvion with a wierd looking sky would be a cool sight

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I'd be fine with it if the town couldn't decay or change, and the Daedric Lord doesn't actually come onto Nirn. He -- just like Clavicus Vile or Molag Bal -- manifests via intangible presence, unless he "comes into Tamriel" via reanimating the corpse of Amorek Tyle. So, I suppose that his workings with Nirn would be composed of actions similar to Boethia, Barbas, and Sheogorath (he brings people into Oblivion like Sheogorath, just on a much larger scale).

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I like the idea of a town; it's a good name and a clever idea.. but Arkay is the mortals god of life and death, and Molag Bal is the creator of immortality. The deity you're describing is basically Molag Bal; to spite Arkay he created an immortal race (vampires).


I think the lore is a little too set in stone on the Daedric Princes, but kudos on your creativity.


Edit; @Nightinglae850; It's quite easy to make a town that would change and/or disappear/reappear, just extremely time consuming. You'd just have to set each and every building, structure, plant, tree, shrub etc.. to an x marker and disable and enable each version as and when you needed to; (much like when you upgrade a room in your house, the cobwebs disappear and furniture appears).

Edited by Petemichaelbabicki
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