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Can't do any killmoves.


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I've tried set KillMoveRandom to 100, Dance of death, Kill move control, and other killmove mods that I can't think of right now. The only killmove that I can do is when they're on the ground and I execute them. I'm playing an assassin build and I really wanna slit peoples throats and stab them in the back. Are there any mods that are known to cause problems with killmoves?

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Even with Killmove on 100, it still wont happen 100% of the time. Dance of Death is about as good as it gets. Dont use more than 1 killmove mod at a time unless compatibility is confirmed.


Also DoD depends on yoru perks to unlock killmoves... you can remove this in the menu settings... in case you use perk system overhaul you MUST remove this or the killmoves will not work at all.

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But in DoD MCM console you see it @ 100 right... whatever the console says, I would leave it at that unless you know for fact DoD and killmoverandom in console should be matching. There's a few other settings in the MCM console that influence the killmoves, as in the last enemy alive, which could force the console to default at zero probability. I dont know if DoD would tag an otherwise friendly NPC as enemy when it notices you attacking in from back while hidden and triggering the killmove 100% of the time.


All I can help you is telling you that even @ 100% chance it still won't work 100% of the time. The DoD thread is full with people saying the exact same thing, up until a lot of people reporting they dont have any killmove at all or just 1 single one. Anotehr thing can be is that the killmoves rely on your weapon... see what happens when using another weapon (not ranged) perhaps you use a weapon which has it's property set wrong... eg a custom dagger left on shortsword or whatever.


I dont know if this works in your version of DoD, but you can give this a shot in the console;


stopquest DanceOfDeathAddSpellQuest

startquest DanceOfDeathAddSpellQuest



Author about the 100% thing;

"100% stands for "100% of all instances in which every other killmove criterion has been satisfied." If you do not witness a killmove, it is due to one or more other necessary conditions not being satisfied. These conditions include enemies performing idle animations, standing at indirect angles, and damage which is not dependant upon the strength of the weapon (i.e. weapon enchantment damage) which kills the opponent before killmove calculations can be factored in."

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