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The mod that CANT be done...


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I have been crying and begging on here and a ton of other places on the net trying to get some one to help (I dont know how to mod) or mod me a 1H sword sheathed at a straight up and down angel instead of the sheathed 1H sword sticking out the back.

I see people mod armor, weapons, homes, animations, and a ton more BUT I cant find anyone who knows how to do this simple mod...CAN IT BE DONE?




This is what Im after...

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Im not very smart when it comes to modding...Im a real noobe.


Here is the zip of my knowledge...I open the skeleton.niff file into Nifscope, I find the 1H sword bone, I left-click to bring up menu and goto transform and click edit. I than rotate

the sword where I want it and than nothing...that's as far as I know what to do...

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Im not very smart when it comes to modding...Im a real noobe.


Here is the zip of my knowledge...I open the skeleton.niff file into Nifscope, I find the 1H sword bone, I left-click to bring up menu and goto transform and click edit. I than rotate

the sword where I want it and than nothing...that's as far as I know what to do...

And that's all you have to do :biggrin:

It is quite simple actually. It's just that the position might go awry and needs to be re-adjusted couple of times to make it right.

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