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No character voice/breath & Bleeding neck


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Hello, okay so I don't know how get over with this bug/glitch
My character has no voice or even not breathing when sprinting

I assume this has something to do with "tgm" (God mode) or "tim"
I once tried that command, and I got my head decapitated.. and my neck was bleeding and got a scar on my neck

Anyway, I already got rid of the scar, but everytime I load, my neck is always bleeding. Anyone knows how to fix this? And since this happened, my character doesnt breath when sprinting anymore.

EDIT: I tried to load an earlier save file, I could still hear the breath.
Sorry for my english.

Edited by NaufalH
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lol... wonder if you can join the zombie faction? :D


Anyway I dont think you can fix it. I had the same once and I had another issue just yesterday where I was doing a killmove and got ragdolled with unrelenting force shout by another creature and would stay stuck in the killmove animation (save, load, exit game, console command, nothing worked to get out) ... only solution was to load an older save and go from there.

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"I assume this has something to do with "tgm" (God mode) or "tim"
I once tried that command, and I got my head decapitated.. and my neck was bleeding and got a scar on my neck"


I still don't understand why people use tim. TGM is MUCH more safe. No risk of messing up the whole game.


Anyhow, no way to fix it. Maybe by somehow undoing the script that decapping uses, but I haven't seen anyone do one.


So, revert to older save. That's the only thing you can do.

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