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Vampire Armor no breast


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So recently I have been installing a bunch of mods and everything was going alright until I started the Dawnguard quest and realize that all females wearing the Vampire Armor have no breast, including me.

Does anyone have any idea why is this happening and how I could fix it? Thanks! :3



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Thats a modded armor right? You should contact the author of it... I think he acidentally removed the body where he shouldnt of... It normal practice to remove the parts of a body under the armor that cannot be seen to avoid clipping of the body through the armor during animations. The author should fix it, or in case the author doesnt really care or is long gone... see if installing another Vamp armor mod resolves it.

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Thats a modded armor right? You should contact the author of it... I think he acidentally removed the body where he shouldnt of... It normal practice to remove the parts of a body under the armor that cannot be seen to avoid clipping of the body through the armor during animations. The author should fix it, or in case the author doesnt really care or is long gone... see if installing another Vamp armor mod resolves it.


I don't think its a modded armor since I havent download any vampire armor or any kind of armor for vampires. The only armor mods I have are Trollsbane Armor, Virtus Imperii and Immersive Armors.

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Well I am pretty sure it's still an issue with that armor... there should be something messing with it then because in the vanilla game this doesnt happen... No texture replacers of some sort running? They sometimes also replace the textures of all vanilla armors with more detailed ones.


...Oh just got your reply now :) good... at least... fixed by a workaround :p too bad UNP doesnt have a lot of replacers, just standalone stuff :\

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Yeah Im not sure which mod was causing it but its was annoying!


Im using "Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE-" perhaps I should be using another one (?) I have little knowlegde about mods and how they work. I just download stuff that I like :P maybe Im mixing stuff up.


Anyway, thanks for the fast reply! :happy:

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