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Skyirm must have mods?


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I play as a Nord hunter and some of the mods I use are. Frostfall, Wet & Cold, TRO Basic Needs, WATER, Harvesting Animation, Fishing in Skyrim, Hunting in Skyrim, SkyTEST Realistic Animals and Predators, Real Wildlife, Hunterborn, Immersive Armors, Monster Mod(Lore friendly version), Dogs of Skyrim, Cats of Skyrim, Birds of Skyrim, Guard Dialogue Overhaul, NPC Overhaul, Immersive Weapons. And various graphics mods. Also if you played Morrowind and were a fan of the all metal Dwemer Ruins in that, then I recommend this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5124/?

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The Ningheim Race NMM Installer-35474-1-1.rar

Triss Armor Retextured v_2_1_1-4708-2-1-1.7z


Riverside Lodge - BSA without mannequin script-14308-1-3-3.rar

Insantys Celtic Katana Full-15389-1-2.7z

Osare Panty 1_1-26305-1-1.7z


Everything else better for Oblivion ^__^ And Skyrim good w/o any mods to be honest

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