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Need a Pro to help with mod install and order


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Hi guys. Need a quite pro user to teach me how to exactly install my mods in which order and in which order set my plug-ins, so I wouldn't have CTD or texture mix so much. Someone please help, or I'll kill myself. This is really frustrating.

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Might I suggest using BOSS. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/? Just read through and follow the instructions. It'll help you with load order and conflicts. I have 225 mods in my game...BOSS helps me out with all of them (well, the ones it recognizes).

Edited by majikku22
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Thanks a lot guys. It did help. But my main problem is the installation order, like texture or animation and other stuff. Since the mods sometimes do override each other's files, I'm more concerned about that. Because I'm getting CTD on some cases, while the order is ok, and some texture anomalies.

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If you are using NMM, I'd really recommend you move to WB or MO-- they can show you file conflicts between mods-- i.e. the overwrites you mention.

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