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Welcome to the Mass Effect Legendary Edition forums on Nexus Mods.


We keep all discussion for new games to a single forum to make early discussion on the game easy to browse through and find. If the game becomes particularly popular on these forums then we will manually add more forum categories to help split up the various discussion topics a little bit more.


But for now, please chat about anything and everything related to Mass Effect Legendary Edition in these general discussion forums.


Please remember our Terms of Service when you're talking on these forums as we very actively moderate and enforce our rules here!


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I'm hoping someone will soon make a mod that works for MELE so John can romance Kaidan in ME1. That's the one thing I am missing terribly in this new version. Unless I can use the old mod on MELE and just don't know how because I'm not that savvy. A distinct possibility... :happy:

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I'm hoping someone will soon make a mod that works for MELE so John can romance Kaidan in ME1. That's the one thing I am missing terribly in this new version. Unless I can use the old mod on MELE and just don't know how because I'm not that savvy. A distinct possibility... :happy:

Yep same gender relationships are the very first mods I'm hoping to see for MELE1&2, in fact am holding off playing for now. It just depends on when the modding tools become available since the original unused files are intact. Unfortunately the old mods will not work and have to be remade.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm hoping someone will soon make a mod that works for MELE so John can romance Kaidan in ME1. That's the one thing I am missing terribly in this new version. Unless I can use the old mod on MELE and just don't know how because I'm not that savvy. A distinct possibility... :happy:

Yep same gender relationships are the very first mods I'm hoping to see for MELE1&2, in fact am holding off playing for now. It just depends on when the modding tools become available since the original unused files are intact. Unfortunately the old mods will not work and have to be remade.


Not just remade, but it's fair game remaking stuff you didn't have a hand in if you're 'porting' to LE.

That is to say, if someone remade MEHEM, or ME2/3Recalibrated for LE, the original authors wouldn't be able to claim plagiarism. This has caused the latter's author Giftfish/moho25 to remove her mods(BackOff, ThaneMOD, ME2/3Recalibrated) in protest, which will be upsetting, but I understand.


EDIT: After reading up on Giftfish's departure from the Nexus...I no longer hold any sympathy. Google 'Giftfish' if you wish to explore that particular rabbit hole.

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I am brand new to PC gaming overall and in every mod I see it mentions a "Coalesced.bin" file. I did some looking around but I only see the one for normal Mass Effect versions, not the Legendary Edition version. where can I find the right one and how do I install it correctly?

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I have become incredibly frustrated with an incredibly small and minute detail that was changed from the original ME3 to ME3:LE. I always rock the basic N7 armor but change my pattern color from the red to an orange yellow. That is what I prefer, originally the N7 logo on your chest and helmet in ME3 would change from the red to the corresponding pattern color of your choice, in my case the orange yellow. However in ME3: LE, this is not the case. It only changes the N7 logo on your chest to match the pattern color and the N7 logo on the helmet does not match the rest.

I thought maybe this was a really weird lighting bug, or something on my end but after some digging this was a change they made for some reason.

It is such a minor detail, but the red N7 logo on my helmet. clashes with my orange yellow N7 logo on my chest.

Not sure if a mod is possible to address this issue, or if it is if anyone could even be bothered by it.

This seemingly minor change to detail has pissed me off beyond belief for some reason.

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#4 icon_share.png

Posted 06 June 2021 - 05:48 PM


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I'm tired of the fact that having gay mods for men with men and women with women gets put in by modders but a simple scene with THE BEST LOOKING GIRL IN THE GAMES ass has no need to be modded it is unfair to be inclusive to everybody else but take Miranda's best feature out for stupid reasons. No one agrees with censorship and taking out that scene and any nudity in a mature rated game where you can blow someones head off or splatter people all over the wall (The scene with subject 0's loyalty mission) is left in is just stupid. Are we adults or 10 year olds who they have to remove things from the game to protect us?. I think their just being lazy and don't want to do the work to put it back in they will take the time to change the fov or the lighting but not this a simple fix to aid the male gamers.


Pride Hoodies LE2 and LE3 Here is one of the mods deemed needed by people along with the above mod but nothing for the non gay gamer is able to be put in the game like Miranda's scene or and nudity I can't stand to see bad camera angles of underware wearing people having sex (Bed or Shower) in these games if we are going to be inclusive to all gamers then fix these issues please!!!
Edited by Army1968
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  • 1 year later...

Hey All,


Anyone figure out how to enable console commands for MELE1 yet?

Hear, hear...

I have spent two days spinning between Nexus, Origin, Discord ME3 Tweaks and back again. I have tweaked, replaced over-layed and slathered modded files with a fantastical assortment of advices from the cookedpcc files to the binks and nothing, nothing at all has achieved the desired result. I hate to say it but I think we have fallen for a "Legendary" prank when we should have just stayed with the original editions...


*smh facepalm*


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