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How to reduce rain frequency ?(make it rain less)


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I have climates of tamriel installed but I hate rain. Can someone point me in the general direction of the creation kit to modify how often it rains. I'm pretty familiar with the ck but have never modified weather. I love the cot mod but it seems like it rains every #%^ day.
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i found the world data and climate, but i dont see the adjustments you refer to

im having trouble posting a decent screenshot for some reason

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i found the world data and climate, but i dont see the adjustments you refer to

*rips out hair*



You see the big white box on the right hand side?

The reason it's empty is because you haven't actually loaded any mods to edit.


Think microsoft word, you need to open a new page before you can start typing.

You can't edit anything if there's nothing to edit.

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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I did see what you have in the picture there. I probably didn't have anything loaded when I took that screen shot. Even loaded cot and looked at how it was modded. I'm not familiar with the way the weather system is set up at all. Guess I expected to find CHANCE OF RAIN in giant letters or something lol. I just need to study it a bit more and I see how it's all put together. Thanks for the help so far.
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