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New To Modding, Need help with a better female body for my character


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nevermind after a little playing around with

Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE- by Caliente 's mod

i Sort of set a better female body



if possible could an admin close/delete this post please



p.s. sorry for wasteing your time guys

Edited by 1stReaper
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With CBBE you can use the presets or make your own style of body. You can also have the body either nude or with underwear. There are also lore friendly textures that can be used.


UNP is a different female body type that many find more realistic and it now has a body slide mod to go with it. It is really a personal preference.


I myself use CBBE but their are many that prefer UNP.

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yh, i worked most of the heres and theres when i was having a play with the settings, ill prob use the custom setting because the curvy setting was just a little bit to big breasts for me, and the silm was to slim for my liking

(no im not gay lol, i just prefer a women who doesn't have huge breasts... a.k.a katie price... TOOO big.....)


i normally wouldn;t have touched the bodies but the evening star necklace mod was "inside?" her body

when i used it on my male char, it was fine...but...the necklaces just a bit to girly for a male char (no-sexist)

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thanks for the assist bcofer, but ill prob stick to CBBE for now, and not do anymore major modding (or in my case, messing around), or at least till i feel more comfortable with what im doing
last time i did any major mod downloading/tweaking without checking to make sure each one works or not,
i did something Fubar with my game
start - i spawned outside the wagon instead of waking up IN it,
when i got to the create a char - the ""prisoner"" name was in another language
was mainly on me because i downloaded like 20 or so mods that i tried before, then another 30 untested after that...
altho i sort of pinned it down to after downloading helgan reborn, millwater retract

{scratch the last part}- i remembered how to work the dance thing

Edited by 1stReaper
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