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Made a new race, can't select hair or eyebrows in race menu


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Well, it's my first race mod, so something had to go wrong. At least it's as minor as this.


I digress. The title explains it all. I created a new human race and when I went to go create a character for myself, I couldn't change the hair style or the eyebrow style. I could change everything else though.


I based the race on the imperials. All I changed were some starting stats, hair color, skin color, and the lore surrounding them. Additionally, I deleted all of the imperial default models and replaced them with one new race model for each gender.


I should also note that I could not change the eye color.


I should note that in the FaceData tab, I can not manipulate the BaseHeadParts. When I try the drop down menu, all I get is "NONE" for an option.


Anyone know what I can do?

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