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Is UL project still up?


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Does anyone know if UL is still up. Point being is that I am co-starting a sister project off UL that edits all the spots UL did not and adds areas of special interest.


If UL is still up, I would like to ask permission to start this sister project. Plus i would like to ask, When is the next UL plugin coming out? If there is any more

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The problem I see is that UL already takes up a considerable amount of land in Tamriel. So much that it actually ends up conflicting with, or limiting what other mods can add. A project which would be set to change even more cells would likely create even more problems when it comes to finding a place to add things. And, as UL cannot be .esm based due to conflicting with Oblivion.esm, nobody can use the UL mods as a basis for any other work.
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To find out where you can add without conflicts have a look at this map.


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