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Equipping Magic Effects

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So I have been using Vortikai's Dragon Aspect Toggle for a long time, but then I got to wondering, how I go about making the dragon aspect (visuals only) equippable at any given time, like a piece of equipment? And can this be applied to other visual effects as well? Such as the cloak spells and such. It doesn't necessarily need to be able to be enchantable or upgrading through smithing, just looking for a way to basically (duplicate?) equip visuals. I've searched but i don't think I've come across what I'm looking for.

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Yes it can be done with 2 ways.

- First of all you need to create a "Magic Effect" witch archetype 'Ability', that it will only have the visual fx you want, if you want more VFX, then you need to create for each VFX its own 'Magic Effect'.

- Now you create an "Ability Spell' and you add the 'Magic Effect', if you have more magic effect, then you create also their ability spells.

A) Add a script to an equippable item, like a ring or anything else you want, that upon equipping the item it will add/remove the 'Ability Spell' to the player/actor.

B) Using SKSE you can assign a keybord key that on pressing it will ad/remove the ability spell.

* There is a way to do this with multiple VFX with only 1 magic effect and 1 Ab Spell, but it needs good knowledge of scripting, as for the solution above it only needs a script with 2 lines.

Edited by maxarturo
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I'm guessing a script must be used then? If so could you give me an example? Sorry I'm still pretty new when it comes to scripting and understanding papyrus language. It would use "OnEquipped" right?


EDIT: This will be for an XB1 port so SKSE can't be used :(

Edited by DoubleTime520
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I don't know and i've never heard of the mods you mentioned, so i don't know how they do it.

But using 'Armor Add On' it's the same thing as using 'Armor', so the last mod you mentioned it's either using a simple script to add/remove an ability spell or it's using an 'Enchantment' on the armor that plays the VFX.

Here you have a simple script to add/remove an 'Ability Spell'.


Spell Property MyAbSpell auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
If ( akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) ;Is the actor the player?
akActor.AddSpell(MyAbSpell) ;Add to the actor the spell

Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
akActor.RemoveSpell(MyAbSpell) ;Remove from the actor the spell

* You don't need the descriptions on the script, you can erase them, they are there so that you can see what does what.

Have a nice day.

Edited by maxarturo
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What they did was create an armor addon, and used their custom .nif (the vfx) as the male/female world model using slot 55. Then for the armor they used a sigil stone, marked it as clothing and when equipped, the vfx happens until you unequip it. I figured the same method could be done with vanilla vfx



Thank you for the script, I'll try it out after work tonight

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I watch the mod's video and:

A) It doesn't matter which slot the armor is using, as long as it's an armor, it could easily be a ring or a earring or whatever it pleases you.

B) The mod uses a similar script as the one i posted (similar in logic) to:

- Instead of adding an 'Ability Spell' to play a VFX, it plays a "Shader Particle Geometry", OnEquipped() and OnUnequipped()

The difference is that you can't play a "Shader Particle Geometry" from a "Magic Effect" and you need a script to use an SPG.

SPGs play only on the player's camera and they can't be applied to any other actor.

I hope it helps.

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