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Problem with modelling and texture! pls help!


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Hi i need big help with this modell that is my first one... so ehere is the problem

when i open up the sword obj in mudbox the areas i wanna texture is messed up and dosent work and some part of the modell start overlapping wich it didnt do in the cinema 4D (where i modell),


so here is the steps i do,


1. i export my modell from cinema 4D to my desktop as an .Obj

2. I open up mud box and open up my obj

3. it says that mudbox has detected problems in the imported mesh ''loft_nurbs_3''

This mesh has an incomplete set of UVs and wants me to creat new ones,,, how do i do that? pls help/explain

and it also says this mesh has faces where corners either lie on same line or location in space... how to fix? pls help! much love!

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have you made the uv map in cinema 4d? I had the same problem when I had not uv unwrapped in blender (3d program - free) but when I did mudbox was able to texture it correctly! Hope that helped

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