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Cannot remove npc armour


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I have just reinstalled skyrim and mods to start a new playthrough - I restarted first playthrough due to a couple of issues - to find on starting that I cannot access all items in dead npc inventory. I am only at Helgen Keep so only noticed unable to remove stormcloak cuirass from dead npc. I have modded game heavily but only mods I have added since reinstall are dual sheath redux, xpms and immersive animations. I did not have this problem last playthrough. Can anyone tell me if this is a known issue or how to fix it please?


** Would like to add that I've found that I noticed a number of warnings in TESVEdit with More Craftables about unused data (stormcloak cuirass is in this) and I get Error: lstring ID should be Int32 value when creating merge patch. It did not not cause this problem last time didn't notice if I had these warnings **

Edited by Pau1K311y
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