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Morrowind Like Questing


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I know there are several mods that sort of emulate this I think there should be a mod that:


- Removes unknown locations on the compass until discovered (like Compass Tuner)

- Directions in journal entry's (maybe bundle it with Even Better Quest Objectives)

- Has a minimap (optional)

- When you receive a quest, the location does not show up on the world map because you haven't discovered it yet, nor does a quest marker pop up (haven't found any mod that does this yet)

- Going along with the last point, disable atuomatic quest markers when recieving a new quest. (I haven't found a way to do this either)


Really the third point is the big one i think even if you turn the marker off and use directions from Even Better Quest Objectives you can still see it on the world map so there's no point.




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