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Body Mesh Collisions


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Im assuming thats correct wording.. I'm looking for a good mod that fixes the shitty default look of NPC's hands and other things piercing their clothes. RIGHT in the beginning trailer, the stormcloak soilder has his hands inside of his armor/shirt/whatever just because he has his hands in his lap.

I feel like its a simple collision problem that would be solved by adding collision to NPC's clothes, that was it cant go straight through the clothes, or their own legs.
But I'm just a huge f@&#!t who has never made a mod, so I don't know what I'm talking about. I'd still like this to be fixed!

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The scene isnt all that important, I'd just feel better knowing that i have a mod that helps as much as it can to prevent that from happenning throughout the game. Its not thay big of a deal, though, i just thought it might be simple

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