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I recently made a request thread, for an overhaul type mod.


However, after more time mashing CK... I mean using... I realized, most of this stuff, I can do.


So, if you wish, you can go read my thread, "Ascension" but it is epic TLDR type s#*!. So most people wont read it lol.


Any ideas are welcome, but assuming you did not read full description, I'll sum it up.


A simple reroll, that makes for slower progression, yet more choice in flavor.


I suppose I will just make a list of questions, for areas where I'm not too sure what I'm planning, and people can respond to them, or just throw random ideas.




1) - MAGIC - I began today actually changing spell type talent trees.


This evening will by some crazy experimenting, to see how I can bash down the magic to less trees. I'm still playing with the possibilities in my head, but I'm thinking for starters, a massive magic tree, that encompasses ALL types of magic. Beginning with perks for all casters, like regen, then depending on what sub-schools of magic you progress in, it would have three sub-type perks (Dark/Light/Balance).


Or possibly three trees, but I do like the idea of bashing them down. I could go on, and on, Please throw any cool ideas for this!




2) - Blacksmithing - ermehgosh!


Ok well, I dislike what crafting bad ass armor does to RPG progression.


SO what can we do here, besides make BiS gear?


My current ideas include, things like, A) being able to improve gear "slightly not OP" B) "Under Armor" add +X armor always C) ability to upgrade enchanted gear


Any other ideas are welcome.


Also crafting arrows I like. I plan to add a few special arrows. (one is sooo bad ass, I must keep the idea a secret)




3) - Enchanting -


I'm confused here again, but my plans include making all jewelry so you cannot disenchant it, and making gear (which you may disenchant ) very rare.


So on one hand, the simple quest to learn new enchants, in my mod, will be an adventure of its own, but I would also like the enchanting tree itself to have balance, and smooth progression.


Please need ideas here!



4) - Sneak -


Much like the rest of the mod, talents like increasing stealth, will be a bit more gradual. 10% is my norm, but perhaps I will do 5% per point? How would people feel about this? Mind you, most of my perks involving powerful offense, are dished out in 10%, not the normal 20%+ of vanilla, and is intended to play with un-capper. So that being said, progression in stealth I think is VERY powerful.


Besides from the actual stealth bar, please pitch any cool ideas you have for this tree, as I have not looked into it myself yet.




5) - Speech -


I kind of want to wrap this thread up, but basically, my plans are to make much of the speech tree about shouts. For example, a 0/5 talent, that reduces CD of shouts by 10% per point.


please give any fun input for this tree.




OK well, I'm going to smoke some ingredients, listen to classical music, and destroy some vanilla coding.





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Ok, I was drinking beer, brainstorming on magic, and here is what I've come up with.


Three schools.


Compassion = (based on Restoration graphic, and tree) Most healing spells, some conjuring, and all Shock type spells.


Compromise = (based on Alteration graphic, and tree) some summons, and control spells. Also all frost magic.


Wrath = (based on Destruction graphic, and tree) Fire magic! Duh, and Summon Flame Atronach, and a variety of spells. Possibly a heal, with a demonic type theme.


For starters, this means offensive magic, (frost/shock/fire) is kind of spread out, which I think will be cool.


Also, it would leave 2 talent schools open for grabs. leaving options to add... anything.


PLEASE, throw some ideas.


I suppose part of my forum hobby is born from wanting attention, but I find it hard to believe that people don't have ANY comments.


Throw a dude a bone eh?


Peace, and have a fun holiday!

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Well, I might read your epic tl;dr thread, but you didn't link to it and I'm not going to go searching ^^; So I'll go by what I see here.


I like what you've done with the magic. I don't know how compassionate electrocution is, but I also like the fact that the offensive spells are spread out. I think if you want a healer in Wrath, it should be either an absorb health spell, or one where you sacrifice your own magicka or stamina into health. Maybe a sort of bloodlust spell where you regain health directly for killing something, or sadism spell where you regain stats for inflicting harm. (In return for that power you should probably be inflicted with a weakness to magic or reduced armor or something. It forces you to be reckless, as befits Wrath.)


Where do shield spells, which are naturally Alteration, go? Compassion or Compromise? Or are they done away with altogether?



And actually, if you're going for interesting realism and not just more difficult gameplay, Sneak probably shouldn't be gimped. Realistically, you either learn quick or you get taken out of the sneaky gene pool. Maybe downplay the effects of the perks instead of force you to get to them more slowly? One thing I'd say though is combine the basically useless Lockpicking and Pickpocketing trees, freeing another one up for... well, as you said, basically anything.

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Cool input man, TY.


I'm so hung over today from the weekend lol, but probably tomorrow, I will get working on my project.


I think shield spells will be maybe part in Serenity, and part in Compromise.


I really like your idea for Wrath getting an absorb spell, possibly like you said, tweaking the vanilla spells, and adding some flavor to the text.


Oh the epic huge thread in named "Asension" under mod requests.

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