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So the idea is that with the script contained in this esp, one can have a different body style for each race. See Nexus link below:




What an awesome idea this is! Had to try it. Works beautifully except that I haven't been able to get npc's with hands and feet. (Doh!)


Under meshes/characters/ I created a folder for each race. I used the Full_Omod_Fixed-15802.omod to generate different body types (deactivated and then reactivated the omod) and then copied the resulting femaleupperbody.nif and femalelowerbody.nif from meshes/characters/_male into the desired race folder. Female EyeCandy - Body Replacer (nude) 1.0 is also active.


I then consoled an npc's disposition to 100 and used Companion Share to remove clothing. Wow, it worked! Each race had a distinct body type. Except no hands or feet.


So I copied femalehand.nif and femalefoot.nif from meshes/characters/_male into each race folder. still no hands or feet.


I created race folders under textures/characters and in a "female" subdirectory under each race added footfemale.dds, footfemale_n.dds, handfemale.dds and handfemale_n.dds from Textures/Characters/Imperial/female to each race. No change.


I used the various options in obmm to update the archiveinvalidation.txt to no effect.


I used archiveinvalidation invalidator to no effect.


Lastly I created a body type as described above and copied the upperbody, lowerbody, hands and feet nifs as a group to the Meshes/Characters/race subfolders. Didn't work.


Any ideas?

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