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Can someone help me fix a bug with a basic script?

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Hello. I'm making a script for a mod and it won't save, which means there's an error in it. I'm looking to complete an objective, add a conversation topic, and another objective to a quest. I've done quite a bit of research and haven't found a solution. The base for the given character is VULTAnthony. His ref is VULTAnthonyRef.

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Hang on. I don't believe the screenshot was posted properly. My bad. The script goes as


scn VULTAnthonyDeadSCRIPT


run OnDeath VULTAnthonyRef


(tab x2) AddTopic 010027E5

(tab x2) SetObjectiveCompleted VULTQuest1 30 1

(tab x2) SetObjectiveDisplayed VULTQuest1 40 1



Edited by culinwino3000
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Try replacing "run" with "begin", i don't think "run" is a correct keyword.

I've tried that, and it still won't work. I've come to partially rewriting it to this


scn VULTAnthonyDeadSCRIPT

Begin OnDeath VULTAnthonyRef

(tabx2)if GetDead == 1

(tabx4) AddTopic 010027E5

(tabx4) SetObjectiveCompleted VULTQuest1 30 1

(tabx4) SetObjectiveDisplayed VULTQuest1 40 1

(tabx2) endif


Edited by culinwino3000
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