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Making Skyrim into Assassins Creed Like ?

Guest deleted6419983

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Guest deleted6419983

Hi there lately i was thinking about what i would want from skyrim combat and i was thinking

I want to be able to block all the dmg with shield and and just wait and do right countre attack in a right time. Which mods implements this gameplay type ?

Suggestions ?

Also i did want to open this topic as for people who are into this topic to byt like a guie ;)

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Ordinator has perks that let you do this (timed block) and counter attacks.

From the description: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1137?tab=description


  • 20 - Timed Block (2) - Assume a defensive position for 1 second after raising your shield or weapon, blocking 30% more damage and staggering attackers in melee range. (If you do not block an attack during this time, you cannot attempt another Timed Block for 2 seconds/1 second.)
  • 30 - Poke the Dragon - After a successful Timed Block within 8 feet, you may retaliate with increased strength, increasing your attack damage and critical strike damage against the attacker by 25% for 5 seconds.
  • 100 - Dragon Scales - You take no damage from attacks during a Timed Block as long as you have Stamina remaining.
Edited by Helmsmasher
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Guest deleted6419983

I already have ordinator installed i was thinking more of something like what could have been in game in start without the need of taking perks right now im trying Deflection - Dynamic Blocking Combat Overhaul which as i found out let all the incoming dmg with shield ignored which is nice i just feel like a shield and counter attacking is uselles in vanilla game when you block you still take a small % of DMG which i dont like i would like more if instead you would get stagger for a short perod of time.

But still cant find something like Counter attack from start of the game so i just wait for the right time bash and from bash do attack to instantly kill enemy.Also i found out about Attack Behaviour Revampd

which do similiar thing but for attack combo which feels to me more like AC.I hate this system when you only smashing light attack and cant do some kind of combo so im thinking on trying out but i will see if it will souit me.But even more i would like to have abilitys like back in ac Brotherhood when you could do countreatack and than with good timing kill all enemy at once and only do more countre attack during that. Think it would suit in skyrim :smile: But there is still no such mod avaliable as far as i know.And of course you shoud be able to do that all also in light armor so heavy armor is not always the superior one.As i said im more of the player who like precise combat and waiting and sometiimes switch for something faster.Just so i dont have to bring my fingers over the vanilla combat :D Also with all those combat mods that are on nexus which are great i sometimes feel like when you get a group of enemies you are bassicly screwd up i mean there is nothing which would let you deal with a group of enemy except of fleeing and with my playstyle which is waiting you just cant even block it because they either attack too much or not at all without mods.Would like some middle ground.

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