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Change vs. Replace


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So, I am beginning an overhaul of Skyrim, and one of the things I plan is "Lore Weapons" meaning a character equip in Orcish, or Elven gear, will drop the same gear they are wearing, but a "Lore" version that would essentially be junk, with perhaps a nice vendor value.


The purpose being, to have the "Real version" of these fancy gear types, be special, without removing all the look-a-likes.


I think I am being clear, (im drinking lol) so OK here is the topic.




I began with making a duplicate of all the special armor types. Then removing all the real ones, and replacing with my "lore" duplicates.


After an entire day of modifying list after list, I realized something.


Would it not be better, to nerf the original items, and then place my dupes "the ones with good stats" by hand.


Obviously the latter option, would be a TON less work, but I'm concerned.


If I nerf all the Steel+ items, will this .... I dunno, is it ok?




I would like an experienced modder, to give an opinion, on how he would do it.


Either way will work, but I don't really know what I'm doing. lol




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