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Lights and shadows bug with lighting mods


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I have really annoying bug which I don't know how to fix - when I starting to use ANY lighting mod (Enhanced Lights and FX, Realistic Lighting Overhaul, Dynamic Shadows etc.) lights in game starting to blink depending on character's view point, just like on next videos:




When I disable lighting mods everything becomes alright.

Of course, I dont use all of them at the same time (so the problem is not because of conflicting them between each other).


Does somebody know what to do? :(

Edited by Fuse00
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The game can only render a certain number of shadowed point lights.... any more than that (I believe 4 casters), and you get this blinking issue.


You may need to check your load order, sometimes it can be that the load order is off. Did you ensure that you deleted ALL of the files for each of the lighting mods you have activated before switching to another? Leftover files can cause issues.

Edited by ZeroKing
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It's not really a bug. The game can only render a certain number of shadowed point lights.... any more than that (I believe 4 casters), and you get this blinking issue. As well, you may need to check your load order, sometimes it can be that the load order is off. Did you ensure that you deleted ALL of the files for each of the lighting mods you have activated before switching to another? Leftover files can cause issues.


Please, explain how to do it (check the load order etc.)

I use NMM and all I can do is disable them in NMM's list or delete them from it, I have no ideas how to fully delete them from the system (if there are some extra files from previouse mods provoking the problem)

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Well, if you want to load a proper mod order, download BOSS from Nexus and follow the instructions on how to use that program. It will load the mods in a proper order.


Regarding deleting the files, if you use NMM to disable the mods, then it's fine. Try downloading the mods manually and compare what files are in the mod and what files are left over in your Skyrim game directory. Delete the files that are found to be left over.

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If you have >1 lighting mod enabled, or a lighting mod in combination with a mod that happens to add a light or some to a city or interior (Skyrim Cities Enhanced anyone?), you can have this...


Skyrim engine has a limitation has a maximum of 4 lights that may hit the same object (object can be a large as an entire castle)... if you add a 5th light this kind of things happen. Shadows also may not overlap or things get wack.


It can also be errors in your texture mods (if any)...

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The point is, that bug appears even if ALL other mods are disabled (not only lighting mods, but absolutely all mods), that is why using BOSS brings no results.. probably it's texture issue or something... I'll better try to reinstall Skyrim anyway))


Thanks for answering!

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