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Can't use other mods with Creation Kit?


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Hey everyone, I'm very green when it comes to modding so if you could please spare the smart remarks or rude comments, that'd be great.


Anyways, I'm trying to create two types of npc's using the creation kit: a haradrim archer and a haradrim warrior/leader.


Haradrim archer:




Haradrim warrior/leader:




I'm trying to create these npc's because I'm going to be creating a LOTR-themed series on YouTube. I didn't create the armors for these npc's, rather just mixed in-game armors and modded-armors to give a somewhat similar look to the Haradrim. Here's the equipment for each one:


Haradrim archer:

  • Mundane Ninja Hood (mod)
  • Redguard clothes
  • Redguard Knight Boots (mod)
  • Redguard Knight Gauntlets (mod)
  • Aesir Right Pauldron: Small (mod)

Haradrim warrior/leader:

  • Redguard Knight Boots (mod)
  • Redguard Knight Gauntlets (mod)
  • Redguard Knight Mail (mod)
  • Shield of Solitude
  • Aesir Front Banner: Solitude (mod)
  • Aesir Left Pauldron: Plain (mod)
  • Aesir Right Pauldron: Plain (mod)
  • Aesir Lower Fur: Red (mod)


As aforementioned, I'm using Creation Kit to create these NPC's. I created two different actors, created two different outfits, equipped the actors with the outfits, and clicked 'ok'. Then I saved the file(s) and launched Skyrim. With the help of a few console commands I spawned both Haradrim right by me. To my dismay, most of their outfit was missing. The only parts they had were the vanilla armors. So all the Ninja, Redguard Knight, and Aesir armor pieces were gone. Also, the face paint I put on the Haradrim warrior/leader was non-existent.


So what's up with this? Any solutions? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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