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Script to reset exterior Cell


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Hello I am trying to create a script that will reset an exterior cell (IE flora or consumables that grow in this room) upon the player's exit from the world. Is this even possible? I used the below script for an interior cell, which it doesn't even work like it is supposed to for an interior cell to reset the mines and used it on the exterior and still no luck. Am I writing the script wrong AND is it possible for it to work on a world?


Scriptname DKTriggerResetMineScript extends ObjectReference
{Triggerzone to reset mine cell}

Cell Property DKa01 Auto

Event OnTriggerEnter (objectReference activateRef)
if activateRef == Game.GetPlayer()


And I mean it doesn't work because the interior cell does not reset instantly. Is there a wait timer for the reset or upon reset is it supposed to reset everything within the cell instantly? items in the interior cell include several mine locations for the player to mine. i want them to reset upon the player exiting, giving the player an endless supply of ore. I want this to happen also for the exterior cell that has numerous flora for the player to pick. upon exiting the world, the cells reset allowing for the player to have endless supply of flora for alchemy and cooking.

Edited by kane4355
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