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[WIP] Crysis Nanosuit


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Seems like someone beat me to the punch while I was sick.....anyhow, now that my iteration of the Nanosuit from Crysis is nearly complete in a presentable manner, I'll go ahead and let the community know what's coming up.


Crysis Nanosuit



The Crysis Nanosuit mod will bring the Nanosuit into the Capital Wasteland. The player will be able to wear the armor and use the various functions of the Nanosuit.

Since Fallout 3 does not have an "Energy" bar, the AP is used in replacement. I tried to recreate the Nanosuit functions as close as possible, here are the functions:



Maximum Armor

When Maximum Armor mode is enabled, the energy is diverted into protecting the player, giving him a significant boost in resistance.

The damage will first be soaked up by the energy, creating a "shield" effect. After the energy has been depleted, will the player start to take damage to his health.


Maximum Strength

When Maximum Strength mode is enabled, the energy is diverted into enhancing the player's strength. The player will be able to jump higher heights with the expense of energy.

The jump height will revert back to normal when there is not enough energy to spend.


The player will be able to perform stronger Unarmed/Melee combat with the expense of energy. In this iteration, I've made it so that each hit will result in a critical.

Again, if there is no energy to spend, your critical chance will go back to normal.


Maximum Speed

When Maximum Speed mode is enabled, the energy is diverted into enhancing the player's speed. In this mode, the player's walking/running speed is increased.



The Cloak mode will have similar effects that of the Stealthboy, with the Nanosuit's price tag. While in Cloak mode, energy will be gradually drained. If the player is still, less energy will be drained than while the player is on the move. Any form of attack will deplete all of the suit's energy, thus immediately revealing the player, after which, the suit will default to Armor mode.



The suit will feature the "Male Operator's Voice".

The suit will self-carry it's own weight when worn. *Note: This will not be an increased carrying weight ability, but instead, the suit will properly subtract it's weight when you wear it.*

Night Vision

Hot key-able


Work In Progress

Features with initial release

Armor featuring the following functions:

Maximum Armor

Maximum Strength

Maximum Speed

Cloak Mode

Male voice

Night Vision

Menu/Hot key selection


Features that did not make it in the initial release

Maximum Strength: Enhanced aiming with the expense of energy.

Maximum Speed: Increased weapon equip speed.

Maximum Speed: Ability to sprint with the expense of energy.

Zoom function

Friend or Foe recognition

Female voice

Art work for the suit


Known Issues/Annoyances/Bugs

The "Invisible Platform" issue with increased jump height

When jump height is tweaked over a certain amount, the player will land on an invisible platform mid-air and get stuck there until the player moves.

How to avoid it: Keep pressing the button into the direction you are moving. If you should get stuck mid-air, just move and you should drop again.


Energy consumed while performing certain actions

While performing the super jump, if you press the jump key again while in air, it will drain energy.

How to avoid it: Don't mash the jump key. Press it once and you should be fine.


While performing the super Punch/Melee, mashing the attack key will continuously drain the energy.

How to avoid it: Don't mash the attack key. Time your attacks accordingly to avoid excessive drain.


AP shield function in Maximum Armor working semi-properly

The shield effect will get thrown off if you heal yourself during Armor mode (i.e. use of StimPack or food products).

Here's a quick example: Your HP is 50 currently. You use item to heal yourself to 100. Even though you have enough energy,

you will take HP damage from 100 to 50. After that though, the shield function will resume. Switching between modes will correct this issue also.


Also, since there is no way to intercept damage and apply the shield effect without the damage first begin applied to the player, you can die

as a result of this even though you have enough energy. Be ware when on low Health.


Nanosuit weight won't adjust immediately

Not sure if this is mine, or the game's issue. The weight will fix itself after exiting the Pipboy though.


Config tool for the Nanosuit won't get added to the inventory immediately

A config tool will be added to your inventory after you wear the suit. However, the item won't appear into your

inventory immediately. Same as the above issue. Exit the Pipboy once, and the item will be there the next time.



No known critical bugs at this time, except for the Issues/Annoyances mentioned above. However, if you should find one, please report it to me.

Will probably conflict with any mods that change the player jump height. However, this should only be the case while in Maximum Strength.


Future Plans

I will be implementing the following functions after the initial release:

Zoom function

Friend or Foe Recognition

Female Operator voice (with the ability to toggle between Male/Female)

Any feedback from the community

Fixes and tweaks


When I figure it out how to do/or if possible:

Maximum Strength: Enhanced aiming ability

Maximum Speed: Increased weapon equip


What I'm thinking of:

A mini-quest to obtain the Nanosuit in a meaningful manner.

Maximum Speed sprint mode: Since there's the wonderful sprint mod out there already, it feels redundant doing it here again.

I'm trying to come up with a way to integrate that, but then that will leave out the people who haven't/don't want

to install that, so I'll probably end-up doing both...




I wish I can do 3D art work = I don't have the ability to bring the Nanosuit artwork into the game.

I'd like to delve into 3D modeling too, but learning it from scratch will just take an enormous amount of time (for now).

I would really appreciate it if someone can provide me with the artwork of the Nanosuit.

Must have Nanosuit artwork........must....have.......anyway, for the meanwhile, I will be using the Recon Suit model :(

On the bright side, for those who think the Nanosuit design is overwhelming/or plain simply dislike it, you will have an armor

that nevertheless have the functions of the Nanosuit for your enjoyment :wink:

When I get the DLC, I will make a version using the Stealth suit also, as I see that one more fitting out of the stock models.


I'm not exactly the pro-sound technician = While I feel the voices are presentable enough,

a sound guy can do a truer, better voice work. If anyone's interested, I'd be glad to use that instead.


Issue fixes:

While I'll keep looking into the issues myself, if anyone has a solution already, I'd appreciated it if you can share it with me.


Does anyone know how to fix the "invisible platform" annoyance?


What's the story with "IsPlayerActionActive 6"? It doesn't seem to be functioning properly. Nothing will happen even though the player is jumping.


Same thing with "GetIsUsedItemEquipType ObjectType". This doesn't seem to function properly either. i.e. Nothing happens even if I use a StimPack

even though I have "GetIsUsedItemEquipType StimPack" in my script.


To the UI tweak masters: Is it possible to display two HP bars on screen, but instead, call one of them Energy and attach an Energy function instead of a Health function?

It's just awkward to use AP as the energy source.



Anyway, I'm currently cleaning up my mod and finalizing it for the initial release. Hopefully, I should be able to deliver it to the community by the end of the week, so please stay tuned. (Once the mod is uploaded) I'd appreciate community feedback such as intensity of the various modes, along with any bug reports.

Meanwhile, if you have solutions for the above problems, a helping hand is always appreciated. :thanks:

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That sounds awesome! You could use FOSE to make just about any function you want as well as key-mapping and UI tweaks like an energy bar (mmm I could use an energy bar right now ;) ) Anyway its all possible, you should contact darN about the UI stuff (He is the master). Good luck with this cool mod! :thumbsup:
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Thanks for the comments guys!!!

I guess I forgot to mention that this mod obviously requires FOSE to function.



Yes, darN with his awesome Darnified UI....first person who came in my mind actually. Thanks for the pointer though.

Ah, so my inclination was corret. I'll definitely get in touch with him to discuss the possibilities of the much coveted energy bar.

As for the key mapping, it's actually all complete and fully functional.


@kyosuke1000 and neok182

Hmmm.....a non-FOSE version....no promises as to when it's gonna get done, but I will look into it. Ok, just took a quick peak through my scripts.

Good news: Almost all of the functions will work without FOSE so it is very do-able.

Bad news: I don't think you can map keys without the help of FOSE, so that's gone. Although, I've got an idea on a work around that doesn't

compromise much of the functionality. Jump height can't be adjusted dynamically so that's gonna be a permanent change, but I guess this is livable....


So anyway, thanks for the non-FOSE version idea. After the initial release, I just might start working on it :wink:

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Oh, sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I believe jump height cannot be changed dynamically using a script without the use of FOSE. Hence, my script uses FOSE to change those settings, and I don't think that is what you're looking for.


If I assume correctly, you are trying to achieve the same thing (increase jump height while wearing the suit) without FOSE right?

Unfortunately, I think what you are trying to achieve here would be impossible without FOSE.


The below are two things that come to my mind just using the GECK.

-To change without FOSE = you have to change the game settings "fJumpHeightMin" directly in the GECK, which means the change would be applied throughout the game forever, for everyone.


-I think a console command "SetGameSetting fJumpHeightMin parameter" will change the Jump Height on the fly until you exit the game, and I believe this change will not be carried out to the save either.

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