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more weapons, have an idea!


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Im not sure if its possible, but i love guns! and I have heard that you can import weapons and such from other games. To me, the greatest mod ever for this game would be the ability to have all the weapons from COD 4. Not only are they awesome, but they are more american than what is in the Fallout. I have never had much luck with modding on that scale, so can anyone on this site be able to do this? or is it to far fetched? thanks in advance!
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Not only are they awesome, but they are more american than what is in the Fallout.


Really? Since when are the: SVD, G36C, AK-47/74u, G3, Mp44, any of the smg's really, or RPD, American?


Unless you meant American looking, then the G36, G3, and a few smgs can go back into that list.


But really, this has been suggested dozens of time, and I havn't caught wind of any projects to bring the entire arsenal to Fallout 3, so finding a modder to help you would be difficult.

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Not only are they awesome, but they are more american than what is in the Fallout.


Really? Since when are the: SVD, G36C, AK-47/74u, G3, Mp44, any of the smg's really, or RPD, American?


Unless you meant American looking, then the G36, G3, and a few smgs can go back into that list.


But really, this has been suggested dozens of time, and I havn't caught wind of any projects to bring the entire arsenal to Fallout 3, so finding a modder to help you would be difficult.




i wasnt saying that all of the weapons where american, bad choice of words i know, but you get the point, I might could start on it, but im not sure what all would be involved. I think it would be easier than making entirely new models. Does anyone know where I could start?

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i found this link to export COD 4 weapons, animations, and I think everything that is needed to at least attempt to import models into Fallout. Maybe this will help. I might mess with this project later. I work alot of hours so its hard for me to start things like this and keep at it.



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I just thought I should let you know that it would be illegal (and against site rules) to release such a mod. The rights to the models belong to the company so to use them in another game it would be illegal distribution of content unless you got their permission. It can be a bit of a gray area but I know this site does not allow ports.


The only way to port them over would be to use the COD guns as a template and re-create the models and textures from scratch and have proof you did so.


But feel free to do it and use it yourself though. Only distributing copywrited materials is not allowed.

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