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I see compilations with this included, but where is the original? Or, is it contained in just the two lua safehouse scripts in domino\system?


I read that it can mess with the outpost counter, which can break one sig weapon unlock. Are there any other known issues?



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Once again, finally answered one of my own questions. So, in case someone has the same question, searches, and finds this thread:


This thread at the Ubisoft forums: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/734046-Mods-for-Far-Cry-3


The list of mods in that thread didn't seem helpful compared to the Nexus, so I didn't look closer. When I went back and really looked, I found the Welcome to Neverland links.


It is just two lua scripts in domino\system, and one is optional as explained in the readme. As for any bugs or issues - well, the obvious is that you won't get the memory cards. I'm not sure of other issues - I've decided to not include it in my mod compilation.


And to anyone who wants it included in something they downloaded off the Nexus, just get it and the tools from the link I provided. If you can use 7-zip to extract and archive, you can use the gibbed tools at least to unpack and pack the patch. (If you can't use 7-zip, you probably stick to games that have a Steam Workshop or some sort of fancy GUI mod manager - at least until you learn things like that.)


Now I think I'm done tweaking - I need to get back to playing modded FC3!

Edited by leno2013
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