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Skyrim ini setting question


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So, I've tried to do this myself and scour the web for an answer but cannot seem to find it.


I'm growing ever annoyed by the weapon enchantment charge message appearing constantly. As a roleplayer I refuse to simply leave my current campaing and get more soulshards and my character is very much not a mage, so having him fill some is not an option.


I'm hoping to find a skyrim ini setting that controls the weapon charge messages and disable it entirely or reduce it to remind my once a day, instead of every time my character enters a battle.


Any help would be much appeciated!



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I do not believe there is a ini setting to accomplish that. Might be able to do so in SSEEdit.


If it annoys you that much just do not use enchanted weapons except when in dire danger.


Someone might know of a mod that does that.

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